Alexander (grandson of Seleucus I Nicator)

Alexander (flourished 3rd century BC) was an Anatolian nobleman of Greek Macedonian and Persian descent who was a Seleucid official.[1]

Alexander was the first son born to Achaeus[2] by an unnamed Greek mother. His father Achaeus was a wealthy nobleman who owned estates in Anatolia. His family had power in Anatolia with strong royal connections.[3] Alexander had three siblings, two sisters, Antiochis and Laodice I, and a brother Andromachus.[4] His father Achaeus was the second son of King Seleucus I Nicator and his first wife Apama I.[5][6]

According to surviving inscriptions, Alexander was already active and held high positions under his paternal uncle Antiochus I Soter.[2] A surviving decree at Bargylia honoring a judge from Teos mentions Alexander as having been ‘left in charge’ by Antiochus I Soter, meaning that Alexander was some sort of governor in the Caria region.[7] The surviving decree at Bargylia dates from 270–261 BC.[1]

During the reign of his paternal cousin and brother-in-law Antiochus II Theos, Alexander was a very powerful figure in Anatolia.[1] Between 261–244 BC in Magnesia ad Sipylum, he is noted in writing a letter about land allotments granted to soldiers and he was honored at Tralles.[1]

In the year 240 BC Alexander was still loyal to his nephew Seleucus II Callinicus, as he was the governor of Lydia, based at Sardis.[1][8] In the civil war between Seleucus II Callinicus and his brother Antiochus Hierax, Alexander supported his second nephew, and held Sardis against attacks by Seleucus II.[2]

After the end of the civil war, nothing is known on Alexander. His namesake was his great-nephew Seleucus III Ceraunus, whose name was Alexander until he succeeded his father Seleucus II Callinicus as King in 225 BC.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Grainger, A Seleukid prosopography and gazetteer p. 75
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Billows, Kings and colonists: aspects of Macedonian imperialism p. 97
  3. Grainger, A Seleukid prosopography and gazetteer p. 8
  4. Billows, Kings and colonists: aspects of Macedonian imperialism pp. 97, 110
  5. Seleucid genealogy
  6. Seleucus I Nicator article at
  7. Billows, Kings and colonists: aspects of Macedonian imperialism pp.97-98
  8. Billows, Kings and colonists: aspects of Macedonian imperialism p. 98
