Alert Standard Format

Alert Standard Format
Status Published
Year started 2001
Latest version 2.0
April 2003
Organization Distributed Management Task Force
Related standards DASH
Abbreviation ASF

Alert Standard Format (ASF) (also sometimes referred to as Alert Standard Forum, Alerting Specifications Forum, Alert Specification Function, etc.) is a DMTF standard for remote monitoring, management and control of computer systems in both OS-present and OS-absent environments. These technologies are primarily focused on minimizing on-site I/T maintenance, maximizing system availability and performance to the local user.[1]

ASF, unlike other DMTF standards, defines both external-facing network protocols (for use with Remote Management Consoles and Alert Sending Devices) and system-internal protocols and data models (for use in System Firmware, Remote Control Devices, Alert Sending Devices, and Sensors).

ASF v1.0 (DSP0114) was published by the DMTF Pre-OS Working Group in June 2001.

ASF v2.0 (DSP0136), adding secure remote authentication and data integrity, was published by the DMTF Pre-OS Working Group in April 2003.

Network protocols

Internal protocols and data models

See also


  1. "ASF". DMTF. Retrieved 2014-06-25.

External links