Aleksandr Stoletov

Alexander Grigorievich Stoletov
Born 10 August 1839
Vladimir, Russia
Died May 27, 1896 (aged 56)
Moscow, Russia
Nationality Russian
Fields Physics
Institutions Lomonosov Moscow State University
Alma mater Lomonosov Moscow State University
Known for discovering the principles of photoelectric effect

Alexander Grigorievich Stoletov (Russian: Алекса́ндр Григо́рьевич Столе́тов; August 10, 1839 – May 27, 1896) was a Russian physicist, founder of electrical engineering, and professor in Moscow University. He was the brother of general Nikolai Stoletov.


Monument of Alexander Stoletov by Sergey Selikhanov in Moscow State University.

Alexander Stoletov defended his doctoral dissertation in 1872 and became professor at Moscow University a year later. After defending his dissertation he became a renowned scientist world-wide. He attended the opening ceremony of the physical laboratory in Cambridge in 1874, and represented Russia at the first World Congress of Electricity in Paris in 1881, where he presented his work on links between electrostatic and electromagnetic values.

Alexander Stoletov was the first to establish a school of thought of world importance. By the end of the 20th century his disciples had headed the chairs of Physics in five out of seven major universities in Russia.

Contribution to science

His major contributions include pioneer work in the field of ferromagnetism and discovery of the laws and principles of the outer photoelectric effect.

Achievements of Alexander Stoletov include:

Magnetism (1871–1872)

Photoelectric effect (1888–1891)


See also


Important published works of Alexander Stoletov include:


  1. Stoletow, A. (1872). Annalen der Physik und Chemie 146: 442.
  2. Stoletow, A. (1872). "Ueber die Magnetisirungsfunction des weichen Eisens, insbesondere bei schwächeren Scheidungskräften". Annalen der Physik 222 (7): 439. Bibcode:1872AnP...222..439S. doi:10.1002/andp.18722220706.
  3. Stoletow, A. (1888). "Sur une sorte de courants electriques provoques par les rayons ultraviolets". Comptes Rendus CVI: 1149. (Reprinted in Stoletow, M.A. (1888). "On a kind of electrical current produced by ultra-violet rays". Philosophical Magazine Series 5 26 (160): 317. doi:10.1080/14786448808628270.; abstract in Beibl. Ann. d. Phys. 12, 605, 1888).
  4. Stoletow, A. (1888). "Sur les courants actino-electriques au travers deTair". Comptes Rendus CVI: 1593. (Abstract in Beibl. Ann. d. Phys. 12, 723, 1888).
  5. Stoletow, A. (1888). "Suite des recherches actino-électriques". Comptes Rendus CVII: 91. (Abstract in Beibl. Ann. d. Phys. 12, 723, 1888).
  6. Stoletow, A. (1889). "Sur les phénomènes actino-électriques". Comptes Rendus. CVIII: 1241.
  7. Stoletow, A. (1889). Journal of the Russian Physico-chemical Society (in Russian) 21: 159.
  8. Stoletow, A. (1890). Journal de Physique 9: 468.

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