Alejandro Sieveking

Alejandro Sieveking (born September 7, 1934), is a Chilean playwright, theatre director and actor.


Sieveking was born in the Chilean city of Rengo (in the O'Higgins Region) on September the 7th of 1934. He performed as an actor on theatrical productions by Instituto del Teatro (Chile’s Theatre Institute), Teatro de la Universidad Católica (the Catholic University Theatre), Teatro del Ángel (Angel Theatre Company) and Teatro Itinerante (Itinerant Theatre). He worked together with Víctor Jara on a number of theatrical and musical projects, including in his album: “La Población” – in which he co-wrote the song “Herminda de la Victoria” with Jara. [1]

He was one of the founders of the Teatro del Ángel (Angel Theatre Company) in Chile and in Costa Rica, where he settled and worked as a political exile. In 1974 he is awarded the “Casa de Las Américas” prize for his “Pequeños animales abatidos” (Small game hunt).

In the work of Sieveking one not only finds critical realism but also psychological and folkloric realism.[2] “La remolienda” is one of the most important classics of Chilean theatrical comedy.

Today, in addition to holding university posts and being involved in television projects, he is vice-president of the Academia Chilena de Bellas Artes. (Chilean Academy of Fine Arts)

His most important theatrical work have been:
