Alcyone (Pleiades)

For the star in the Pleiades cluster, see Alcyone (star).

Alcyone (/ælˈs.ən/; Ancient Greek: Ἁλκυόνη Αlkuónē "Alcyone") in Greek mythology is the name of one of the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas and Pleione or, more rarely, Aethra.[1] She attracted the attention of the god Poseidon and bore him several children, variously named in the sources: Hyrieus, Lycus, Hyperenor, and Aethusa;[2] Hyperes and Anthas;[3] Glaucus;[4] and Epopeus.[5][6] There are various etymological interpretations of her name's origin.[7]


  1. Schmitz, Leonhard (1867). "Alcyone (1)". In William Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. p. 108.
  2. Pseudo-Apollodorus, iii. 10. § 1
  3. Pausanias, Description of Greece ii. 30. § 7
  4. Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae vii
  5. Gaius Julius Hyginus Praef. Fab. p. 11, ed. Staveren
  6. Ovid, Heroides xix. 133
  7. Alcyone at

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