Alborán Island

Area 0.07 km2 (0.027 sq mi)
Province Province of Almería
Population 21 (military staff only)

Coordinates: 35°56′N 03°02′W / 35.933°N 3.033°W

Alborán Island

The Isla de Alborán is a small islet in the Alborán Sea, part of the western Mediterranean, about 50 km (31 mi) north of the Moroccan coast and 90 kilometres (56 miles) south of the Spanish province of Almería. A Spanish possession since 1540, it was taken from the Tunisian pirate 'Al Borani' in the Battle of Alborán. It is now home to a small Spanish Naval garrison and an automated lighthouse.


The Isla de Alborán is a small islet in the Alborán Sea, part of the western Mediterranean, about 50 km (31 mi) north of the Moroccan coast and 90 km (56 mi) south of the province of Almería, Spain. The island is a flat platform about 15 metres (49 feet) above sea level and about 71,200 m2 (766,390.4 sq ft) in area.

100 m (328 ft) off the northeastern end of the island is the small Isla de las Nubes (literally, island of the clouds).


Alborán has been known in error as "Albusama".[1]

A Spanish possession since 1540, it was taken from the Tunisian pirate Al Borani in the Battle of Alborán.

While Morocco claims the Spanish-held plazas de soberanía enclaves and islands on or near the Moroccan coast as part of Greater Morocco, it has never filed a formal claim to Alborán.

Modern life

Today, the island administratively belongs to the city council (Spanish: ayuntamiento) of Almería and is part of the Almería Pescadería (fish market) district.

It is home today to a small Spanish Navy garrison and an automated lighthouse.

See also


  1. "Algunos cartógrafos de los últimos siglos han dado a Alboran el nombre de Albusama, confundiéndola con el pequeño islote costero cercano a la ciudad llamada tambien por ellos Albusama." (Marie Armand Pascal d'Avezac de Castera-Macaya, 1846. Historia de las islas de África p. 386); "Alhucema (Albusama): Pequeña isla del Mediterráneo , sobre la costa del reyno de Fez , en frente de la de Alhucema." (Antonio Vegas 1806. Diccionário geográfico universal, que comprende la descripción de las quatro partes del mundo, s.v. "Alhucema").

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