Albert Grajales

Albert Grajales
Albert Grajales - Consultant of Intelligence & Antiterrorism
Former Puerto Rico INTERPOL Director and Coordinator of Intelligence / Anti-terrorism (CIA). Currently he is a private intelligence consultant.
Born 1962
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Residence Puerto Rico
Nationality American citizenship of Puerto Rico
Alma mater Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Occupation Former Director of INTERPOL in Puerto Rico and the Coordinator of Intelligence / Anti-terrorism (CIA). Currently he is a private intelligence consultant.
Years active 1988 - 1999 and 2009 - 2013
Employer Intelligence Consultant
Organization Phoenix Supreme Intelligence[1]
Known for Inductee instructor of the year by the World Wide Martials Arts Hall of Fame (1999)
Spouse(s) Beatrice Fuentes de Grajales
Parent(s) Nolasco Grajales (father) and Georgina Rivera (mother)
Relatives Nolasco (Nick), Carmen and Master Ralph Grajales,

Albert Grajales was the director of the Puerto Rico INTERPOL office[2] and Coordinator of Intelligence and Anti-terrorism (CIA) of the Justice Department and the Governor office, government of Puerto Rico. He was also deputy director of the Special Investigations Bureau (SIB) of the Government Puerto Rico.[3]

Early years

Grajales was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1962, and at the age of six his family and him moved to Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Albert has always been a leader since his youth years. He was a Sergeant Major at the US Jr. Army of the American Crusaders Cadets. In high school he was for three years the president of Distributive Education Clubs of America - DECA (organization) were he won the national DECA male leader of Puerto Rico. He was an advocate for Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and the youth republican party of Puerto Rico. [4]

Law enforcement and Intelligence career

As the Special Assistant to the attorney general of Puerto Rico Guillermo Somoza Colombani, Albert Grajales was the INTERPOL director in the Commonwealth government of Puerto Rico. He was also the coordinator of Intelligence and Anti-terrorism (CIA) representing the Justice Department and the Governor office. He was in charge of all investigative operations of intelligence and counter intelligence concerning the criminal act on terrorism in Puerto Rico. He also works in conjunction with the FBI National Security Branch in terrorism investigative matters.

Albert Grajales was the representative for the Attorney General and the Negociado de Investigaciones Especiales (NIE) (Special Investigations Bureau) of:[5]




Currently Albert Grajales is a private consultant and CEO of Phoenix Supreme Intelligence and consults the MIPT. He is also a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and a volunteer advocate for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

A Sifu in the Martial Arts and a Hall of Fame Inductee

Albert Grajales, Instructor of Bruce Lee and Ted Wong's Jeet Kune Do

Grajales' first martial arts instructor was his father Nolasco Grajales, but it was at the age of nine that he started his journey in the martial arts. Today he is a top Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do certified instructor. He studied under the late Sigung Ted Wong. Wong was known to be the purest Jeet Kune Do instructor under the late Sijo Bruce Lee. Albert was known to be Wong's closest friend and dedicated student. Their relationship was like family and Wong was the best man on Grajales' wedding. Currently Sifu, Grajales has over 40 years in the martial arts. The sport runs in his family and his brother, Master Ralph Grajales, is one of best Taekwondo instructor in the island of Puerto Rico. Sifu, Grajales is not only known as an excellent jeet kune do teacher but he is known as a pioneer for introducing reality combat training for the law enforcement and intelligence officials for the government of Puerto Rico.

Sifu, Albert was inducted instructor of the year of 1999 by the World Wide Martials Arts Hall of Fame. Grajales made history by obtaining that the Government of Puerto Rico bestowe an award on Bruce Lee. Puerto Rico was the first country in the world to bestow an award to Lee. Highly regarded by the martial arts community and by the government of Puerto Rico for his achievemnets in the martical arts, Grajales considers himself an eternal Bruce Lee and Ted Wong jeet kune do student. Currently Grajales (Sigung Grajales) is the late Ted Wong representative and instructor for the Caribbean under Ted Wong Jeet Kune Do.


He was a speaker at the 2012 Raleigh Spy Conference.[6]

Radio Program called Contra-Inteligencia "Counter-Intelligence" on Radio Una 1300AM at the west side of Puerto Rico. The program promotes topics on Current and Historic events in National Security, Public Safety, Intelligence, Terrorism, Espionage, World News and others

Radio Host of his radio program called Contrainteligencia at Radio Una 1340AM in Puerto Rico


  1. "Phoenix Supreme Intelligence". 2013-04-12. Retrieved 2013-05-07.
  2. 200 querellas de secuestros de niños. Raúl Camilo Torres. El Vocero. 15 July 2012. Retrieved 1 October 2012.
  3. Albert Grajales. Retrieved 1 October 2012.
  4. Sifu Albert Grajales. Perpetuating Ted Wong's Teachings of Jeet Kune Do. Retrieved 1 October 2012.
  5. Albert Grajales. Raleigh Spy Conference. Retrieved 1 October 2012.
  6. Spy Conference: INTERPOL Agent Defines Modern Terrorism, Says It Is Changing. Raleigh Telegram. 12 September 2012. Retrieved October 1, 2102.

External links