
Subdistrict Tiberias
Palestine grid 210/245
Area 13,010 dunams
Date of depopulation May 14, 1948[1]
Cause(s) of depopulation Expulsion by Yishuv forces
Current localities Ein Gev

Al-Nuqayb was a Palestinian Arab village in the Tiberias Subdistrict. It was depopulated during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War on May 15, 1948. It was located 10 km east across the lake from Tiberias. bordering the Wadi al-Muzaffar and Wadi Samakh. al-Nuqayb was named after the Bedouin tribe of 'Arab al-Nuqayb.


At the time of the 1931 census, Nuqeib had 60 occupied houses and a population of 287 Muslims.[2]

After the 1948 Palestine war, according to the armistice agreements of 1949 Between Israel and Syria, it was determined that a string of villages, including Nuqeib, Al-Hamma, Al-Samra in the Tiberias Subdistrict and Kirad al-Baqqara and Kirad al-Ghannama further north in the Safad Subdistrict, would be included the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between Israel and Syria. The villagers and their property were formally protected by Article V of the Israeli-Syrian agreement of 20 July that year.[3] [4] However, Israel thought the villagers could pose a security threat, and Israeli settlers and settlement agencies coveted the land. Israel therefore wanted the Palestinian inhabitants, a total of 2,200 villagers, moved to Syria.[3]

The Kibbutz of Ein Gev was established near the former location of the village.


  1. Morris, 2004, p.xvii, village #370. Also gives cause of depopulation
  2. E. Mills, ed. (1932). Census of Palestine 1931. Population of Villages, Towns and Administrative Areas. Jerusalem: Government of Palestine. p. 84.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Morris, 2004, p.512
  4. UN Doc S/1353 Syria Israel Armistice Agreement of 20 July 1949


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