Airborne gun

Airborne guns are airborne artillery pieces, designed for use by paratroopers. They are generally specific or specialised types of infantry support guns, being in the traditional sense capable of being broken down into smaller loads (for transport by aircraft and soldiers) (and thereby being at times, a mountain gun. The historical concept of the "airborne guns" is at present to some degree outdated, in the sense of their role being filled by mortars, wire-guided missiles, and/or light anti-tank weapons. As it has been many decades since two industrialized great powers engaged in direct warfare, the concept of the "airborne gun" allowing a paratrooper unit to maintain an airhead against an armored force is in that sense non-functional, but currently, all three of the U.S. Army's howitzers (for example), are air-mobile.

The concept of the designed 'airborne gun' may be dead, but modern artillery, especially if made of titanium, can be transported by helicopter. Here is a Sea Stallion lifting an M777

Airborne Guns Used by Various Nations

historical Germany
Soviet Union / Russia

See also