Aharon Pfeuffer
Aharon Pfeuffer (also "Pfoifer" ) was a Rabbi and Posek and a recognised authority on Kashrut. He was active in Johannesburg and Bnei Brak. He founded the Yeshiva Maharsha Beis Aharon in 1982 (later named for him) and headed the Yeshiva College of South Africa in the early 1980s . He is best known as author of the work on Kashrut Kitzur Halachot Basar B'Chalav ("A summary of the laws of Milk and Meat", קיצור הלכות בשר בחלב - also called Kitzur Shulchan Aruch al Hilchos Basar be-Chalav). He died in a car accident on his way to the Kruger National Park .