Agreement on Special Parallel Relations

Agreement on Special Parallel Relations
Agreement on Special Parallel Relations
Signed February 28, 1997

The Agreement on Special Parallel Relations is a cooperation agreement between Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska (Republika Srpska, an entity in Bosnia & Herzegovina), signed for the first time in February 28, 1997 to develop better relations between the two. A Council for Cooperation between Serbia and the Republic of Srpska has been founded, which comprises presidents and prime ministers of Serbia and the Bosnian Serb entity. The Agreement was implemented December 15, 2010.[1] So far, four councils have been held.


establishment of special parallel relations;
culture, education, science, technology, information,
sport and other fields of human creativity;
economic development and progressive linking of
production, trade, energetics, infrastructure and
finance, with a view to creating a single market;
economic renewal, reconstruction and development;
transport, traffic and communications;
production, exploitation and transmission of energy;
tourism and protection of the environment;
social policies, health-care protection;
prevention of natural disasters and elimination of the
consequences thereof;
cooperation of non-governmental organizations;
migration, immigration and asylum;
combating terrorism, illegal drug trafficking, arms
smuggling, money laundering, threats to civilian
air traffic and all other forms of organized
regional security;
state border-crossing regime;
harmonization of foreign policies and approach to third
countries and international organizations;
harmonization of legal and other regulations, extension
of legal assistance;
resolution of succession issues of the former SFRY;
other fields of mutual interest for the Parties.
With a view to realizing an efficient cooperation in the above fields, as well as the goals and provisions of this Agreement, the Parties may conclude specific Agreements.

In witness whereof, the undersigned signed and affixed their seals to this Agreement, made in 3 (three) identical copies, at Belgrade, on 28 February 1997.

For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Zoran Lilic President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

For Republika Srpska: Momcilo Krajisnik President of Republika Srpska on the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

See also
