Agostino Podestà

Agostino Podestà (Novi Ligure, June the 27th 1905 - Bolzano, December, the 18th 1969)

Born in Novi Ligure on June the 27th 1905, Podestà graduated in Physics, enrolled in the National Fascist Party (P.N.F.) of Italy in November 1920, and participated as squadrista to the March on Rome. He became an Officer of the Blackshirts, and was promoted to Colonel (Console Comandante) in July 1943. He was Secretary of the G.U.F. of Pavia, secretary of the P.N.F. of Novi Ligure, Segretario Federale of the P.N.F. in Avellino and later Verona.[1]

Prefect of Arezzo (August, the 1st 1936 - August, the 20th 1939), Prefect of Perugia (1939 - May 1942). In May 1942 nominated High Commissar for the Italian-German accords for the South Tyrol (Alto commissariato per l'esecuzione degli accordi italo-tedeschi per l'Alto Adige). Nominated Prefect of Fiume (1 February 1943 - 20 August 1943).[2]

Orders of knighthood


  1. Alberto Cifelli. "I Prefetti del Regno nel Ventennio fascista" (PDF). Quaderni della Scuola Superiore dell'Amministrazione dell'Interno. p. 223. Retrieved 21 November 2012.
  2. Missori, Mario (1989). Governi, alte cariche dello Stato, alti magistrati e Prefetti del Regno d’Italia. Roma: Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali-Archivio centrale dello Stato. p. 475.