Afonso II of Kongo

Afonso II Mpemba a Nzinga was a ruler of the Kingdom of Kongo.


Little is known about Afonso II or his reign. He may have been the illegitimate son of Diogo I.[1] Six years earlier, King Diogo had cut off all relations with Portugal and expelled them from the kingdom. The Portuguese attempted to return by plotting with another claimant for the throne to assassinate the king. Shortly after Afonso II took the throne, Bernardo I murdered him and took the throne. The plot backfired for the Portuguese, however; and all were driven out or killed by popular riots that same year.[1]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Battell, Andrew and Samuel Purchas: The Strange Adventures of Andrew Battell of Leigh, in Angolaand the Adjoining Regions", page 136. The Hakluyt Society, 1901
Preceded by
Diogo I
Succeeded by
Bernardo I