Afghan biscuit

Afghan biscuit
Type Biscuit
Place of origin New Zealand
Main ingredients flour, butter, sugar, cornflakes, Cocoa powder, chocolate icing, walnut
Cookbook:Afghan biscuit  Afghan biscuit

An Afghan biscuit is a traditional New Zealand biscuit made from flour, butter, cornflakes, sugar and cocoa powder, topped with chocolate icing and a half walnut. The recipe[1] has a high proportion of butter, and relatively low sugar, and no leavening (rising agent), giving it a soft, dense and rich texture, with crunchiness from the cornflakes, rather than from a high sugar content. The high butter content gives a soft melt-in-the-mouth texture, and the sweetness of the icing offsets the low sugar and the cocoa bitterness. The origin of the recipe and the derivation of the name are unknown, but the recipe has appeared in many editions of the influential New Zealand Edmonds Cookery Book. Food expert Alan Davidson mentioned in his Oxford Companion to Food that Afghan biscuits have no obvious connection with the country Afghanistan. According to pragmatists, they suggest that it is called simply because of its dark color.[2]

Sample recipe



Origin of this recipe: Edmonds Cookery Book - a Kiwi classic.


  1. p.18, Edmonds Cookery Book, De Luxe Edition, Edmonds Food Industries Ltd. 1955
  2. Cryer, Max (2012). Curious English Words and Phrases: The Truth Behind the Expressions We Use. Exisle Publishing Limited. p. 12.