Aelius Dionysius

Aelius Dionysius (Greek: Αἴλιος Διονύσιος) was a Greek rhetorician from Halicarnassus, who lived in the time of the emperor Hadrian.[1] He was a very skillful musician, and wrote several works on music and its history.[2] It is commonly supposed that he was a descendant of the elder Dionysius of Halicarnassus, author of Roman Antiquities, a history of Rome from its founding to the middle third century BCE.

Respecting his life nothing further is known. The following works, which are now lost, are attributed to him by the ancients:


  1. Smith, William (1867), "Dionysius, Aelius", in Smith, William, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology 1, Boston, p. 1037
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Suda, s.v. Διονύσιος
  3. Bibl. Cod. 152
  4. Eudoc. p. 131
  5. Comp. Schol. Venet. ad Iliad. xv. 705
  6. Jean-Baptiste Gaspard d'Ansse de Villoison, Prolegom. ad Hom. Il. p. xxix