Adrian Roks

Adrian Roks is a Canadian former business owner serving a life sentence in Kingston Penitentiary in connection with the Christmas Eve 2001 Woodbine Building Supply, Co. fire, which killed Tony Jarcevic and severely injured Sam Paskalis. Prior to his arrest, Roks owned two tanning salons with his wife. Roks was charged and convicted under article 229(c) of the Criminal Code from statements made by three of the co-accused, Regaldo, McMaster, and Paskalis.


Main article: Woodbine Supply fire

Woodbine Building Supply was destroyed on Christmas Eve in 2001, in what was one of the biggest fires in Toronto's history. More than 170 firefighters were required to bring the six-alarm blaze under control. Tony Jarcevic was killed in the blaze while Sam Paskalis was severely burned and disfigured, remaining in a coma for several months.

Investigators quickly concluded arson to be the cause of the fire, suggesting that Paskalis and Jarcevic were caught in the conflagration due to their inexperience, when they prematurely ignited gasoline and other flammable substances.


Roks was identified as a co-conspirator due of his relationship with all three of the other suspects, some of whom frequented the tanning salons he owned. John Magno, the president of Woodbine Building Supply at Danforth Avenue and Woodbine Avenue, testified that he had no knowledge of Roks' involvement. Paskalis had previously been convicted of fraud and was out on bail during the Woodbine explosion. John “Sam” Paskalis had also allegedly burned down his own cottage, prior to the Woodbine fire, for insurances purposes. Adrian Roks maintains his innocence and is appealing his conviction.

Until his conviction on June 11, 2007, Roks was under strict bail conditions. Roks was never found to have breached his bail conditions and worked steadily at both his tanning salon locations.

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