Adept Manager


A Screenshot of Adept 2.1.3 for KDE 3
Original author(s) Peter Ročkai
Developer(s) Peter Ročkai
Stable release 2.1.3 [KDE 3] / June 27, 2007
Preview release 3 (beta 7.2) [KDE 4] / February 5, 2010
Development status Discontinued
Written in C++, Qt
Operating system Linux
Platform KDE
Available in English
Type Package management
License BSD License

Adept Manager is a graphical user interface to the Advanced Packaging Tool for KDE. It was developed by Peter Ročkai and was sponsored by Canonical Ltd. through the Kubuntu project, where it replaced the Kynaptic package manager.

Adept 2 is for KDE 3. The last stable release was 2.1.3. Adept 3 is for KDE 4. At the end of 2008 development was discontinued, except for bug fixes, as Adept was replaced by KPackageKit for Kubuntu's 9.04 release.[1] Adept, however, can still be installed from the Debian Testing, Debian Unstable and Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10 repositories. Bug fixes are still done to Adept, but major work has been discontinued.


Features of Adept include:

See also

External links


  1. "farewell, adept", notice on the project website. December 17, 2008.