Adam LeBor

Adam LeBor is a British author, novelist and journalist. Born in London in 1961, LeBor has worked as a foreign correspondent since 1991. He covered the collapse of Communism and the Yugoslav wars for The Independent and The Times and has worked in more than thirty countries. He currently reports from Hungary and Central Europe for the The Economist, Monocle magazine and Newsweek. In the United States, he contributes to the New York Times and the Daily Beast.[1][2]

LeBor has written three novels and eight non-fiction books, which have been published in more than twelve languages. He reviews books for The Economist, the New York Times and Literary Review.[2]

The Yael Azoulay spy series

LeBor is currently writing a series of novels set in the United Nations featuring Yael Azoulay, a former Mossad agent. Yael now works as the covert negotiator for the secretary-general, brokering the secret deals that keep the wheels of superpower diplomacy turning - and the global corporations in business. The series was inspired by the Biblical character of Yael, who killed the Canaanite general Sisera, and LeBor's time as a reporter covering the Yugoslav wars when he encountered U.N. officials and peacekeeping troops.[3]

The Yael Azoulay series also draws on LeBor's non-fiction book Complicity with Evil: The United Nations in the Age of Modern Genocide, which investigates the U.N.'s failure to stop the genocides in Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur. Complicity with Evil takes its title from a U.N. report examining the organisation's role during these crises. The book focuses on the role of U.N. officials. The Yael Azoulay series explores the ethical and political dilemmas faced by U.N. officials under conditions of extreme stress and pressure.

The first volume in the Yael Azoulay series, The Geneva Option, was published in summer 2013 by HarperCollins in the United States and by Telegram in Britain. The plot is based on a conspiracy by French, German and Israeli companies to take over global supplies of Coltan, a mineral essential for the production of computers and mobile telephones. Yael discovers that the corporations plan to use the United Nations as a front to foment a new genocide in Africa.[4]

The Washington Stratagem, the second volume, was published by HarperCollins US in November 2014 and will be published by Head of Zeus in Britain in spring 2015. Yael is tasked by the secretary-general with negotiating with the man at the centre of the American military industrial complex but discovers a complex conspiracy that reaches from Washington D.C. to Tehran.[5]

The Istanbul Exchange, a free downloadable e-book novella, was published by HarperCollins US in spring 2013.[6]

LeBor is now writing the third volume, with a planned publication date of November 2015.

Non-fiction works

LeBor's first book, A Heart Turned East, examined the lives of Muslim minorities in Europe and the United States. Hitler's Secret Bankers exposed Swiss complicity with Nazi Germany and was shortlisted for the Orwell Prize. Seduced By Hitler examined daily life under the Third Reich. Milosevic: A Biography recounted the life of the former Serbian President.

City of Oranges: Arabs and Jews in Jaffa portrayed the lives of Arab and Jewish families in Jaffa, Israel and was shortlisted for the Jewish Quarterly Wingate Prize.

Complicity with Evil: The United Nations in the Age of Modern Genocide investigated the failure of the United Nations to stop genocide in Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur, especially focusing on the role of U.N. officials. The Believers: How America fell for Bernard Madoff's $65 billion Investment Scam examined the psychology of the Madoff fraud.

LeBor's most recent non-fiction book, Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World is the first investigative history of the Bank for International Settlements.[7]

LeBor co-wrote and presented Jaffa Stories, a documentary for the BBC based on his book City of Oranges.[8]

The Budapest Protocol

His first novel, The Budapest Protocol, was published by Reportage Press in May 2009 in the UK. It was described by Boris Starling as ‘a superior thriller; tense, intelligent and thought-provoking. One of those rare books which flies by while you're reading it, but stays with you long after you've finished'.[9]

Part of the inspiration for the book was US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128, which is also known as The Red House Report. The report was taken at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. The meeting included Nazi officials and German industrialists who made a plan for Germany's post-war recovery.[10]


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