Adam Gruca

Adam Gruca (born 3 December 1893 in Majdan Sieniawski, died 3 June 1983 in Warsaw) was a famous Polish orthopaedist, inventor, and surgeon.[1] He is considered to be the founder of modern orthopedic in Poland. Gruca also invented various orthopaedic instruments and appliances.[2]


  1. "Prof. Adam Gruca". Wielkie postacie polskiej ortopedii (in Polish). Polskie Towarzystwo Ortopedyczne i Traumatologiczne. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
  2. Stefan Malawski (2002). "Życiorys prof. dra hab. med. Adama Grucy (1893-1983)". Postępy Nauk Medycznych (in Polish) 2. ISSN 1731-2469.

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