Adalbert III of Bohemia

Adalbert III of Bohemia (* 1145 ; † 8 April 1200 ) also called Vojtěch in Bohemia, was Archbishop of Salzburg between 1168 to 1177 and then again between 1183 to 1200. His reign is marked significantly from the struggle with Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa.


He was a son of Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia and Gertrude of Babenberg, raised by Frederick I Barbarossa. He lived as a deacon in the Bohemian Strahov Monastery (latinized Mons Sion) in Prague.

First Regency

After the death of his maternal uncle, Archbishop Conrad II of Salzburg on 28 September 1168, Adalbert

Second Regency

Adalbert now lived at first with Ulrich II of Aquileia, then as Provost of Mělník in Bohemia, honored by Papal legation, but without influence.
