Actrix (computer)

The Actrix computer, released in 1984 by Actrix Computer Corporation, was a Zilog Z80-based transportable personal computer running CP/M-80 V2.2. Its predecessor was the Access Computer computer by Access Matrix Computer Corporation.



The void to the right of the two floppy drives can be either open, for convenient storage of a handful of floppy diskettes, or blanked up to conceal one of two options:

Another option is

If either UPS or 8088 options are present the rear or the void is blanked off with a screw-on plate. If the 50-pin 8" disk cable option is present the rear of the void is changed to a clip-on panel securing the 50-pin cable connector. If no options are fitted the rear of the floppy void is a blank clip-on panel. If only the 50-pin option is present the floppy void is modified internally with a plastic jacket to prevent stored diskettes from interfering with the rear of the 50-pin header/cable assembly


Disk Assignments:


Included Custom-Written Utilities:

International Distribution

In Australia; One official distibutor of the Actrix Computer range was Richard Carpenter, based in Little Mountain, Sunshine Coast, Queensland. It is believed that this distributor brought in two (2) or three (3) Access Computers as sales tools/demos and shipped less than 1 dozen Actrix Computers during his dealership. Two (2) demo Actrix machines were repossessed by the financier (NatWest Australia Bank Ltd) in 1986.

Company Failure

Expensive TV advertising and constant lawsuits concerning the product- and company-naming rights were money-pits that eventually added to the decline and ultimate stop of new sales of Actrix machines. Existing orders were filled by one remaining technician who built up the last remaining machines from the spare parts stock.

More information

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