Acronyms in healthcare

The following is a partial list of 'initialisms and acronyms commonly used in health care'. The terms listed are used in the English language within the health care systems of various countries.

Health care

  • BBA—Balanced Budget Act of 1997
  • BBRA—Balanced Budget Relief Act of 1999
  • BCAA—Blue Cross Association of America
  • BCBSI—Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Iowa now known as Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa
  • BLS—Basic Life Support
  • BHAI—Behavioral Health Affiliate of Iowa
  • BIA—Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • BIPA—Benefits Improvement & Protection Act of 2000
  • BLS—Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • DHPC—Direct Healthcare Professional Communication
  • DHS—Department of Human Services (Iowa)
  • DMAT—Disaster Medical Assistance Team
  • DSA—Disproportionate share adjustment
  • ECF—Extended care facility
  • EMR—Electronic medical record
  • EMTALA—Emergency Medical Transfer Active Labor Act
  • EOMB—Explanation of Medicare Benefits
  • EPA—Environmental Protection Agency
  • EPO—Exclusive Provider Organization
  • EPSDT—Early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment program
  • ER/ED—Emergency room/emergency department
  • FAQ—Frequently asked questions
  • FEC—Freestanding emergency center
  • FFS—Fee for service
  • FFWU—Full fever work-up
  • FI—Fiscal intermediary
  • FPL—Federal Poverty Level
  • FSA—Flexible Spending Accounts
  • GAF—Geographic adjustment factor
  • GAO U.S.—General Accountability Office
  • GHAA—Group Health Association of America
  • GPCI—Geographic practice cost index
  • HANYS—Healthcare Association of New York State
  • HAWK-I—Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa
  • HEDIS—Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
  • HEICS—Hospital emergency incident command system
  • HHA—Home Health Agency
  • HHS—Health and Human Services (Federal)
  • HHSC—Health and Human Services Commission
  • HIAA—Health Insurance Association of America
  • HIPCs—Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperatives
  • HIPPS-Health Insurance Prospective Payment System
  • HPB—Historic payment basis
  • HPCI—Health Policy Corporation of Iowa
  • HPSA—Health Professional Shortage Area
  • HQRM—Healthcare quality and resource management
  • HSR—Hospital-specific rate
  • IAHSA—Iowa Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
  • ICD—International Classification of Diseases
  • ICF/MR—Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded
  • ICS—Incident command system
  • IDIA—Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
  • IDN—Integrated Delivery Network
  • IDPH—Iowa Department of Public Health
  • IHA—Iowa Hospital Association
  • IHC—Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
  • IHHCC—Iowa Hospital Home Care Council
  • IHERF—Iowa Hospital Education & Research Foundation
  • IHI—Institute for Healthcare Improvement
  • IHO—Iowa Hospice Organization
  • IHS—Indian Health Services
  • IME—Indirect Medical Education … also Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
  • IMGMA—Iowa Medical Group Management Association
  • IMS—Iowa Medical Society
  • INA—Iowa Nurses Association
  • IOMA—Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association
  • IONL—Iowa Organization of Nurse Leaders
  • IPA—Independent Practice Association
  • IPF—Inpatient psychiatric facility
  • IRF—Inpatient rehabilitation facility
  • ISMP—Institute for Safe Medication Practices
  • ITC—Iowa Trauma Coordinators
  • LAMA—Left against medical advice
  • LCD—Local coverage determinations
  • LSA—Legislative Service Agency
  • MAC—Medicare Administrative Contractor
  • MBI—Market basket index
  • MCO—Managed care organization
  • MDH—Medicare Dependent Hospital
  • MEI—Medical economic index
  • MFS—Medicare fee schedule
  • MGCRB—Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board
  • MMA—Medicare Modernization Act of 2003
  • MOB—Medical office building
  • MSO—Management service organization
  • MUA—Medically underserved area
  • MUP—Medically underserved population
  • MVPS—Medicare volume performance standard
  • NB—Newborn
  • NBC—Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
  • NF—Nursing facility
  • NIC—Neonatal intensive care
  • NIMS—National Incident Management System
  • NQF—National quality forum
  • OASIS—Outcome and Assessment Information Set
  • OBRA—Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
  • ODS—Organized delivery system
  • OIG—Office of Inspector General
  • OPP—Out-of-pocket payments
  • OR—Operating room
  • OTC—Over-the-counter
  • PCN—Primary care network
  • PDL—Prescription drug list
  • PDP—Prescription drug plan
  • PFFS—Private fee-for-service
  • PHN—Public health nurse
  • PHO—Physician hospital organization
  • PHS—Public health services
  • POS—Point of service
  • PPRC—Physician Payment Review Commission
  • PRO—Peer review organization
  • PRRB—Provider reimbursement review board
  • PSO—Provider sponsored organization
  • QI—Quality improvement
  • RPB 6—Regional Policy Board 6 (AHA)
  • RUGs—Resource utilization groups
  • RVS—Relative value scale
  • SCH—Sole community hospital
  • SGR—Sustainable Growth Rate
  • SMDA—Safe Medical Devices Act (1990)
  • SNF—Skilled nursing facility
  • SPECT—Single-photon-emission computerized tomography
  • STHP—Short Term Health Plan
  • TQI—Total quality improvement
  • UB-04—Uniform Billing Form, modified in 2004
  • UB-92—Uniform Billing Form, modified in 1992
  • UC—Urgi Center
  • UR—Utilization review
  • VA—Veterans Administration
  • VBPM—Value-based payment modifier
  • VHA—Voluntary Hospitals of America
  • WIC—Women and infant children program


  • Abd.—Abdominal
  • AIDS—Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  • ANP—Advanced nurse practitioner
  • ART—Accredited record technician
  • BE—Barium enema
  • BMR—Basal metabolism rate
  • BTLS—Basic trauma life support
  • CADAC—Certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor
  • CBC—Com5ount
  • CC—Chief complaint
  • CMA-Certified Medical Assistant
  • CMT-Certified Medication Technician
  • CNM—Certified Nurse Midwife
  • CRNA—Certified registered nurse anesthetist
  • CVA—Cerebrovascular accident, a stroke
  • CVI—Cerebrovascular insufficiency
  • DC—Doctor of Chiropractic
  • DDS—Doctor of Dental Surgery
  • DIFF.—Differential blood count
  • DPM—Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
  • DPT—Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
  • D&C—Dilatation and curettage
  • D&E—Dilatation and evacuation
  • DSC—Doctor of Surgical Chiropody
  • DVM—Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  • ECU—Environmental control unit
  • EEG—Electroencephalogram
  • EENT—Eye, ear, nose and throat
  • EKG, ECG—Electrocardiogram
  • EMG—Electromyogram
  • EMS—Emergency medical service
  • ENT—Ear nose and throat
  • FACHE—Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives
  • FBS—Fasting blood sugar
  • FMG—Foreign medical graduate
  • GB viz.—Gall bladder visualization
  • GC—Gonococcal, gonorrhea
  • GI—Gastrointestinal
  • GU—Genitourinary
  • ICN—Intermediate care nursery
  • IM—Intramuscular
  • IP—Intraperitoneal
  • IV—Intravenous
  • LPT—Licensed physical therapist
  • LVN—Licensed vocational nurse
  • mEq.—Milliequivalent
  • MHSA—Master of Health Services Administration
  • MOM—Milk of magnesia
  • Mono—Mononucleosis
  • MPH—Master of Public Health
  • NB—Newborn
  • OB-GYN—Obstetrics and gynecology
  • OD—Doctor of Optometry
  • O.D.—Right eye
  • O.S.—Left eye
  • P&A—Percussion and auscultation
  • PAT—Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia
  • PBI—Protein-bound iodine
  • pH—Expression of acidity or alkalinity. pH 7 is neutral;above 7 alkalinity increases; below 7 acidity decreases.
  • Preemy—Premature infant
  • RAD—Radiation-absorbed dose
  • RBC—Red blood count
  • SCIC—Significant change in condition
  • SICU—Surgical intensive care unit
  • SOB—Short of breath
  • START—Simple triage and rapid transport
  • Stat.—Immediately
  • STD—Sexually transmitted disease
  • T&A—Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
  • VD—Venereal disease
  • WBC—White blood count

Disaster preparedness

  • ADPER—Acute disease prevention and emergency response
  • AIIR—Airborne infection isolation room
  • CADE—Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology
  • CBRNE—Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive
  • CDOR—Center for disaster operations and response
  • COOP—Continuity of operations
  • DPI—Bureau of Disease Prevention and Immunization
  • DPS—Department of Public Safety
  • ECC—Emergency coordination center
  • EPI-X—Epidemic information exchange (national list serve)
  • ER—Emergency room
  • ESF—Emergency support functions
  • ESF06—Mass care emergency support function
  • ESF08—Health and medical services support function
  • HAZMAT—Hazardous material
  • HEPA—High-efficiency particulate air
  • HHS—U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • HERT—Hospital emergency response team
  • HICPAC—Hospital infection control practices advisory committee
  • HLSEM—Homeland security and emergency management
  • HPAI—Highly pathogenic avian influenza
  • IAC—Iowa Administrative Code
  • ICC—Incident command center
  • ICP—Infection control professional
  • ICS—Incident command system
  • IDAC—Infectious disease advisory committee
  • IDALS—Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
  • IISN—Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network
  • JIC—Joint information center
  • LPHA—Local public health agency
  • MMRS—Metropolitan medical response system
  • NIMS—National Incident Management System
  • NNDSS—Nationally Notifiable Disease Surveillance System
  • PAPR—Personal air-purifying respirator
  • SEOC—State emergency operations center
  • SME—State medical examiner
  • UHL—University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory
  • VAERS—Vaccine adverse events reporting system
  • VFC—Vaccines for Children
  • VMBIP—Vaccine Management Business Improvement Project


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