Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Accra Peace Agreement
Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Signed 18 August 2003
Location Accra

Government of the Republic of Liberia, the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) and the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL).

In addition, a number of political parties signed: National Patriotic Party, Unity Party, Liberian People's Party, National Reformation Party, Labor Party, Liberia Unification Party, Liberian Action Party, People's Democratic Party, National democratic Party, Free Democratic Party, Reformation Alliance Party, All-Liberian Coalition Party, True Whig Party, United People's Party, Liberia National Union, Equal Rights Party, Progressive Peoples Party, and the New Deal Movement.[1]
Language English

The Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement or the Accra Peace Agreement was the final peace agreement in the Second Liberian Civil War. It was signed on the 18th of August 2003 in Accra, Ghana. It was created following the signing of the Accra Ceasefire Agreement on the 17th of June 2003 and "intensive back-door negotiations" which began on June 4 at Akosombo in Ghana.[2]

The Agreement called for the establishment of a post-war transitional government (National Transitional Government of Liberia) which would consist of 76 members: 12 each from the three warring parties; 18 from political parties; seven from civil society and special interest groups; and one from each of Liberia's 15 counties.[3] The warring parties, the opposition parties and civil society groups agreed to share ministerial portfolios and employment opportunities in the cabinet and parliament and elections were to be held no later than 2005.[4]

Former Nigerian Head of State General Abdulsalami Abubakar facilitated the negotiations that led to the agreement.[5]

Timeline before signing of Agreement


Some fighting still continued following the signing of the Peace Agreement and in October, 2003 the UN Security Council authorized a Chapter VII mandate (allowing for intervention) and established a UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) which included the deployment of a 15,000 peacekeepers.[9]

On Oct. 14, 2003 an interim government under Gyude Bryant was sworn into power[10] and ruled until the 2005 national elections.

The Liberian general election of 2005 took place on October 11, 2005 and a runoff election was held on November 8, 2005 which resulted in Ellen Johnson Sirleaf winning the presidency.


  1. Uppsala Conflict Data Program Conflict Encyclopedia, Liberia, Peace Agreements, Accra Peace Agreement,
  2. 17 July 2003, Source: GNA, Liberians fail to sign Comprehensive Peace Agreement,
  3. Uppsala Conflict Data Program Conflict Encyclopedia, Liberia, Peace Agreements, Accra Peace Agreement,
  4. Uppsala Conflict Data Program Conflict Encyclopedia, Liberia, Peace Agreements, Accra Peace Agreement,
  5. 17 July 2003, Source: GNA, Liberians fail to sign Comprehensive Peace Agreement,
  6. New York Times, 200 U.S. Marines Land in Liberia to Aid African Force, By TIM WEINER, Published: August 15, 2003,
  7. New York Times, 200 U.S. Marines Land in Liberia to Aid African Force, By TIM WEINER, Published: August 15, 2003,
  8. Rhem, Kathleen T. "21 Marines Sent Into Liberia at Ambassador's Request, July 21, 2003. Retrieved on October 24, 2008.
  9. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centere, Accra Peace Agreement of August 2003 brings high hopes for peace but instability remains (October 2003),
  10. "Bryant takes power in Liberia". The Guardian. October 14, 2003. Retrieved July 23, 2011.

External links