

Basic structure of a peroxisome
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 E80.3
ICD-9 277.89
OMIM 115500
DiseasesDB 30598
MeSH D020642

Acatalasia (also called acatalasemia, or Takahara's disease[1]:809) is an autosomal recessive peroxisomal disorder caused by a complete lack of catalase.


The disorder is relatively benign, although it causes an increased incidence of periodontal infections, and can under rare circumstances lead to gangrene.[2]


In 1948, Dr. Shigeo Takahara (1908–1994), a Japanese otolaryngologist first reported this new disease.[3] He had examined a patient with an oral ulcer. He had spread hydrogen peroxide on the diseased part, but oxygen was not generated due to the lack of catalase.

See also


  1. James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G. et al. (2006). Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 0-7216-2921-0.
  2. Takahara, Shigeo; Hamilton, H. B.; Neel, J. V.; Kobara, T. Y.; Ogura, Y.; Nishimura, E. T. (1960). "Hypocatalasemia: a new genetic carrier state". Journal of Clinical Investigation 39 (4). doi:10.1172/JCI104075.
  3. Takahara, S.; Miyamoto, H. Three cases of progressive oral gangrene due to lack of catalase in the blood. Nippon Jibi-Inkoka Gakkai Kaiho 51: 163 only, 1948.