Academic grading in Spain

Elementary, high schools, and vocational schools

Spain uses a 10-point grading scale for elementary and high schools:


Spanish universities use two different grading scales. The students' performance is assessed using a 10-point grading scale. The grades can be expressed in words as follows:

Furthermore, when a student has passed a subject according to this 10-point scale, her or his grade is converted to the following 4-point scale and recorded in her/his transcript of records:

Since these grades are given on the teacher's discretion, there is no easy correspondence to the ECTS grading scale, which is based on the class percentile of passed students in a given assessment. For this reason, the following table is only an approximation:

Grade in Spanish Academic Records Definition Estimated ECTS Grade Definition
4 Matrícula de Honor A+ Top Qualification in Class or Subject
3 Sobresaliente A Highest 10%
2 Notable B Next 20%
1 Aprobado C-D Next 65%
Suspenso FX-F Not Pass

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