Abu Imran al-Fasi

Abu Imran al-Fasi
ابو عمران الفاسي
Born 974
Died 1039
Denomination Sunni
Jurisprudence Maliki
Creed Ash'ari[1]

Abu Imran Yaqub al-Fasi (974-1039) was a Moroccan, Maliki writer born near Fes to a Zenata family.[2]

He is regarded a saint by later Sufi mystics. He played an important role in the history of the Almoravid dynasty. It was his teaching in Qayrawan (Tunisia) that first stirred the Sanhaja.[3][4] He wrote a commentary on the Mudawana of Sahnun. Sidi Kadi Abul Fadl Iyyad (d. 544/1129), author of the Kitab Shifa bitarif huquq al-Mustapha (The Antidote in knowing the rights of the Chosen Prophet), hagiographied Abu Imran al-Fasi in his Tadrib a-Madarik (Exercising Perception), an encyclopaedia of Maliki scholars.

See also


  1. "حول العقيدة الأشعرية". Retrieved 11 July 2014.
  2. http://books.google.nl/books?id=95Q3AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA40&dq=al-Wahhab+Adarrak+berber&hl=nl&ei=MmqtTbulDcroObfe_MAL&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=berber&f=false
  3. "Rethinking the Almoravids", in: Julia Ann Clancy-Smith North Africa, Islam and the Mediterranean World, Routledge, 2001, p. 60-61

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