Absolute scale

An absolute scale is a system of measurement that begins at a minimum, or zero point, and progresses in only one direction. An absolute scale differs from an arbitrary, or "relative," scale, which begins at some point selected by a person and can progress in both directions. An absolute scale begins at a natural minimum, leaving only one direction in which to progress. This natural minimum must be an intrinsic property of the measured dimension rather than a natural side-effect of its progression (i.e.: Water freezes and boils naturally at certain temperatures, but these are not natural minimums or maximums of temperature.)

An absolute scale can only be applied to measurements in which a true minimum is known to exist. Time, for example, has no known beginning or ending, so it can only be measured on a relative scale, set to some arbitrary zero-point. "BC" (before Christ) is an example of a backward-progressing scale while "AD" (annos domini, or "the year of the lord") is an example of a forward-progressing scale, with the birth of Jesus set as the arbitrary zero-point. In sciences like paleontology, astronomy, geology, or archaeology, where extreme accuracy is typically not achievable, a purely relative-scale is used where the constantly-changing present is set as the zero point, and time is measured in terms of "years ago."

Temperature, on the other hand, has a known minimum and, therefore, can be measured from both an arbitrary and a natural, absolute point. Fahrenheit is an arbitrary scale, where zero is based on the temperature recorded the day a certain thermometer was invented, whereas Celsius is an arbitrary scale where zero is based upon the freezing point of water. However, water freezes at different temperatures, depending on pressure, so Celsius is also a relative measurement based on the relationship between temperature and pressure. Celsius and Fahrenheit can be measured on both sides of the zero point, in positive and negative values. Kelvin, on the other hand, is an absolute measurement, graduated very similar to Celsius, but which begins at the absolute minimum-temperature that can exist (when all vibrational motion of atoms cease). The Kelvin scale can progress from zero in only one direction, from coldest to warmer, in positive values alone.

Pressure is frequently measured with reference to atmospheric pressure rather than on any absolute scale, relative to complete and perfect vacuum; it is technologically simpler and so cheaper and more convenient. Barometers do measure absolute pressure by holding a vacuum at the top of the mercury column or one side of a diaphragm, but that vacuum is awkward to achieve and maintain. Thus, while the general public may be familiar with measurements of absolute pressure from weather forecasts, most pressures such as tire pressures and water pressures are measured relative to atmospheric pressure using cheaper and simpler pressure gauges. For this reason, the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure is called gauge pressure and measurements given in pounds per square inch (abbreviated lbf/in2 or psi) are often shown as psig (the "g" standing for gauge) or psia ("a" for absolute).

Absolute scales are used when precise values are needed in comparison to a natural, unchanging zero point. Measurements of length, area and volume are inherently absolute. Measurements of weight can be absolute, such as atomic weight, but more often they are measurements of the relationship between two masses, while measurements of speed are relative to an arbitrary reference frame. (Unlike many other measurements without a known, absolute minimum, speed has a known maximum and can be measured from a purely relative scale.) Absolute scales can be used for measuring a variety of things, from the flatness of an optical flat to neuroscientific tests.[1][2][3]


  1. Measurement: Its Concepts, Theories and Problems by Karel Berka -- D. Reidel Publishing 1983 Page 87--91
  2. The Scientific Foundation of Neuropsychological Assessment by Elbert Russell -- Elsevier 2012 Page 98--101
  3. Modern Engineering Thermodynamics - Textbook with Tables Booklet by Robert T. Balmer -- Elsevier 2011 Page 40