
For other uses, see Ezker abertzalea.

Abertzale (Basque pronunciation: [aberts̻ale]) in the Basque language means "patriot", and it is mainly used to mean "Basque nationalist". It comes from the fusion of aberri(a) ("fatherland", a neologism created by Sabino Arana) with the suffix -(t)zale (someone who loves, is a friend of, has affection towards, or dedicates him- or herself to something).

Although the term is synonym of "patriot",[1] its common use in Basque mainly refers to Basque nationalism, and this is the only specific meaning of this word in Spanish. The use of the term by members and sympathizers of Herri Batasuna, and the fact that the followers of the Basque Nationalist Party (Partido Nacionalista Vasco, PNV) call themselves jeltzales more than abertzales, has brought about a situation where the word is at times associated with that particular leftist current of Basque nationalism.

The Real Academia Española (RAE), the prescriptive body that oversees Spain's official dictionary of the Spanish language, recognized officially the adapted word "aberzale" (rather than "abertzale") as a Spanish-language word, with this narrower meaning. However, even in Spanish the original spelling "abertzale" retains greater currency, so the RAE substituted it in the 21st edition of their dictionary.

Several organizations past and present have used this word in their official Basque-language names:

The term ezker abertzalea (abertzale left) is used to refer to parties or organisations which are Basque nationalist, but at the same time, left-wing. This may be marxist, communist, socialist or social-democratic. The term is used to distinguish these organisations from the usual traditionalist or conservative character of the Basque Nationalist Party.


  1. See, for example, the Spanish-Basque dictionary Zehazki, by the Basque Language Academy member Ibon Sarasola; or the definition of abertzale in the Harluxet encyclopaedic dictionary.
  2. Murua Uria, Imanol (2006-09-02). "Hura bai haustura". Berria. Retrieved 2010-07-08.

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