Abel Pardo

Abel Pardo (León, Spain, 1974 - ), also known as Auslli, is a Spanish agricultural engineering technician and a far right-wing politician from León, Spain, author of several papers and one book about Leonese and Italian languages.


In 2009, when he was Councillor of New Technologies in León, he was involved in a scandal about public indulgence in the Nazi Holocaust (1938-1945).[1] He published some articles in a digital encyclopaedia emphasizing the achievements of Nazi leaders and diminishing the magnitude of Holocaust crimes.[2] The scandal ended with his removal from the post of Councillor of New Technologies.[3]


Laureated in Italian Language and Culture by ICON and Advanced Studies Diplomat in Romance Studies by the Open University of Catalonia, Abel Pardo wrote some short pieces in Cuentos de Lleón (1996), Cuentos del Sil (2006) and El Dialecto Leonés (2006), where he collaborated with naïve tales about modern and ancient themes. He was the prologuer in the 2003 edition of Eva González's Brañas d'antanu ya xente d'anguanu.

As an Italian language and culture for foreigners student, Abel Pardo is the author of a plain comparison between Leonese language and Italian, presented and approved in the University of Pavia, Italy, as a Laurea Thesis and later published under the title Linguistica Contrastiva Italiano-Leonese (Italian-Leonese Contrastive Linguistics).

Leonese language

Abel Pardo also develops some activity as a translator into Leonese language: he translated the leaflet Campus Stellae (1999) and collaborated with the weekly newspaper La Nuesa Tierra, writing about 200 short articles in Leonese language, and with Logos Group, where he used to be Leonese language translator. As a town councilor of León, he promoted a light Leonese language bilingualism, starting local Leonese language courses in the town of León, and created the title "Monïtor de Llïngüa Llïonesa" for teaching Leonese language in municipality courses.

He has also written works about Leonese language and new technologies as Nuevas Teunoloxías y Llingua Llïonesa (New Technologies and Leonese language), a pre-doctorate work presented and approved in Leonese language in the Open University of Catalonia, or "El Llïonés y las TICs",[4] published in the magazine Mikroglottika.

Collective books


Linguistic works

  1. http://www.lacronicadeleon.es/2009/10/11/7-dias/la-llionpedia-de-abel-pardo-utiliza-el-lliones-para-exaltar-el-nazismo-52993.htm
  2. http://www.lacronicadeleon.es/2009/10/14/apoyo/auslli-redacto-las-entradas-nazis-y-tambien-parte-de-conceyu-53350.htm
  3. http://www.rtvcyl.es/noticia/BF3846AC-A0C8-34F2-9B2D61FD5B64BC9D/llionpedia/acaba/abel/pardo
  4. http://www.mikroglottika.com/1.3.2007.pdf Abel Pardo:El Llïonés y las TICs.