Abdul Momin

Abdul Mo'min
Reign 1852 – 30 May 1885
Predecessor Omar Ali Saifuddin II
Successor Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin
Consort Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Zubaidah
Issue none
Full name
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Maulana Al-Sultan Abdul Momin Ibnu Almarhum Pengiran Shahbandar Pengiran Anak Abdul Wahab
House House of Bolkiah
Dynasty Sultan of Brunei
Father Pengiran Shahbandar Pengiran Anak Abdul Wahab
Mother Pengiran Babu Lawiah
Born 1785
Died 29 May 1885 (aged 100)[1]
Burial 29 May 1885
Kubah Makam Diraja, Bandar Seri Begawan

Abdul Mo'min (1785 – 30 May 1885) was the sultan of Brunei from 1852 until his death.


He was the son of Pengiran Shahbandar Pengiran Anak Abdul Wahab and grandson of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I. He was also the brother in law of Sultan Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin. His Highness was well respected as he brought peace and order to the country.


He married Pengiran Anak Zubaidah, the daughter of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II, thus making him the latter's son-in-law. They had no children.


He succeeded his father-in-law Omar Ali Saifuddin II as sultan upon the latter's death, having previously served as regent for him during his ill health. During His Highness's reign, the teachings of Islam were encouraged and he also sent some Ulama to the Holy City of Makkah.

Seizure of territories by foreign powers

During his reign, many territories was surrendered to James Brooke of Sarawak; in 1855, seven districts stretching from Samarahan to Rajang was surrendered to James Brooke in the signing of a treaty. On 26 November 1856, the British signed a treaty with Sultan Abdul Momin to reconfirm the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce signed in 1847. In 1861, Abdul Momin ceded more territories to James Brooke.

At the same time, between 1865 and 1878, three foreign groups encroached into North Borneo (Sabah). In 1865, Charles Lee Moses, an American Consul General, signed a treaty with Sultan Abdul Momin and obtained twenty one districts. Later, Moses transferred his rights to the lease to Joseph Wilfred Torrey who sold it to Gustavus Baron von Overbeck. In 1881, the British government granted the British North Borneo Company a royal charter. William Hood Treacher was appointed the first British Governor of North Borneo.

Declaration of Amanat

Realising that Brunei will be extinct, Abdul Momin declared the Amanat (the agreement between the Sultan, Wazirs, Manteris, and holders of Tulin rights not to cede or lease any remaining territories to the foreign powers. In the years that follow, many Brunei territories were continued to be taken including Limbang. Also, at that time, Brunei did not have a military strength to enforce the Amanat.


He died on Friday, 29 May 1885 at 8:00 a.m. He was buried in the Royal Mausoleum at Bandar Seri Begawan.

Abdul Momin was succeeded by his brother in law, Pengiran Temenggong Pengiran Anak Hashim, who later known as Sultan Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin.

Regnal titles
Preceded by
Omar Ali Saifuddin II
Sultan of Brunei
Succeeded by
Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin


External links