Abderrafi Jouahri

Abderrafi Jouahri (born in Fes, 1943) is a well-known Moroccan columnist, songwriter and politician.[1] As a journalist he is known as the author of Nafida (meaning window), his weekly column on the back page of Al Ittihad Al Ichtiraki, published under the title Leur Excellence.

As poet he is known as the author of the songs he composed with Abdessalem Amer, such as "Rahila," sung by Mohammed al-Hayani, "Al Qamar al Ahmar," sung by Abdelhadi Kalkhayat and "Ya Jar Wadina" by Radjae Belamlih.

In 1996 he became the president of the Union of Moroccan Writers. In 2002 he was elected as a member of parliament of Morocco for the USFP (Union socialiste des forces populaires).


  1. Jean-Paul Labourdette, Dominique Auzias, Le Petit Futé Maroc, 2010, p. 78