Abdennour Bidar

Abdennour Bidar (2014).

Abdennour Bidar (born 1971) is a French writer and philosopher of Islamic culture.[1]

Author of several books and many articles, he came to public attention in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, when he wrote an "Open Letter to the Muslim World".[1][2][3]

He works for the French Ministry of National Education. In 2015, due to the death of Abdelwahab Meddeb, he is named responsible of the programme "Cultures d'islam" (English: "Cultures of Islam") on the public radio France Culture.

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 (French) Céline Zünd, Emmanuel Gehrig et Olivier Perrin, "Dans le Coran, sur 6300 versets, cinq contiennent un appel à tuer", Le Temps, Thursday 29 January 2015, pages 10-11.
  2. Abdennour Bidar, "Open Letter to the Muslim World" (page visited on 30 January 2015).
  3. (French) Abdennour Bidar, "Lettre ouverte au monde musulman", Huffington Post (page visited on 30 January 2015).

See also