Abdelkhader Houamel

Abdelkhader Houamel (born 1936 N'Gaous) is an Algerian painter [1] who is considered to be among the founders of contemporary Algerian painting.[2][3] He live in Italy since 1960.

From 1955 to 1960, Abdelkhader Houamel was an active membre of National Liberation Front (Algeria). 1960, he make his first exhibition at Tunis, then he go to Rome studying at Academy of fine Art. he was the subject of a solo exhibition at Europe, Algeria, Tunisia, Toronto since 1967.[4] 1963, he get the gold medal of Arab artist at Rome.[5]


  1. book google
  2. L'art et le monde moderne de René Huyghe, Jean Rudel, Thérèse Burollet
  3. bookgoogle
  4. Title Abdelkader Houamel( Mostra A Roma), autor Palazzo Barberini,cat d'Arte, 1982
  5. book google


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