Abd ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di

Islamic scholar
Abd ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di
Title Shaykh
Born 1889
Unaizah, Saudi Arabia
Died 1956
Unaizah, Saudi Arabia
Ethnicity Arab
Era Modern era
Region Saudi Arabian scholar
Jurisprudence Hanbali

Abd ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di at-Tamimi (18891956) was a prominent Islamic scholar, jurist, exegete, and Arabic grammarian with a great interest in poetry who contributed many works on a variety of subjects.[1]

Early life

Abd ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di was born in the city of Unayzah in the Qasim Province of Saudi Arabia on September 8, 1889 (12th of Muharram 1307 H).


By the age of twenty-three, he was teaching students. He was considered an expert in fiqh and usool al-fiqh. Initially, he adhered to the Hanbali school of Islamic law (madhab), as did his early teachers. He went on to study the works of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim, and, as he progressed in his studies, he no longer restricted himself to the Hanbali school. He also read books of tafsir (Quranic exegesis or commentary), which he studied under his teachers.

His Teachers and Students

His teachers included:

His students include:

His Works

Books and treatise written by as-Sa'di include:


as-Sa'di died at the age of 69 on a Thursday in the year 1956 C.E. of complications arising from an unidentified illness that he suffered from for approximately five years. He was buried in the city of Unayzah; his funeral prayer took place after the Dhuhur prayer in the grand mosque of that city.


  1. Google biography blurb (ed.). Taysir al-Karim ar-Rahman fee Tafsir al-Quran. Urdu-Books. Retrieved 2014-07-09.
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