A New System of Domestic Cookery

A New System of Domestic Cookery: Formed Upon Principles of Economy; and Adapted to the Use of Private Families

Title page of 1813 edition
Author Mrs [Maria Eliza Ketelby] Rundell
Country England
Subject English cooking
Genre Cookery
Publisher John Murray
Publication date

A New System of Domestic Cookery, by Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell (1745 – 16 December 1828), was the most popular English cookbook of the first half of the nineteenth century; it is often referred to simply as "Mrs. Rundell", but its full title is A New System of Domestic Cookery: Formed Upon Principles of Economy; and Adapted to the Use of Private Families.

Mrs Rundell has been called "the original domestic goddess" and her book "a publishing sensation".[1]


The first edition of 1806 was a short collection of Mrs. Rundell's recipes published by John Murray. It went through dozens of editions, both legitimate and pirated, in both Britain and the United States, where the first edition was published in 1807.[2] The frontispiece typically credited the authorship to "A Lady". Later editions included many contributions by Emma Roberts.

Sales of A New System of Domestic Cookery helped to found the John Murray publishing empire. Sales in Britain were over 245,000; worldwide, over 500,000; the book stayed in print until the 1880s. When Rundell and Murray fell out, she approached a rival publisher, Longmans, leading to a legal battle. For all that, Carrell notes, both "the most famous cookery book of its time" and Rundell herself vanished into obscurity.[1]


The 1865 edition is divided into 35 chapters over 644 pages. It begins with a 2-page preface. The table of contents lists each recipe under its chapter heading. There is a set of tables of weights, measures, wages and taxes before the main text. There is a full index at the end.

  • The domestic ready reckoner, consisting of useful tables for calculating household expenses
  1. Observations for the use of the mistress of a family
  2. On carving
  3. Food and cookery
  4. On culinary utensils
  5. Foreign terms used in cooking
  6. Jointing meat and marketing
  7. Soups
  8. Beef
  9. Mutton
  10. Lamb
  11. Veal
  12. Pork
  13. Poultry and game
  14. Salt-water fish
  15. Fresh-water fish
  16. Shell-fish
  17. Gravy, sauces, and curry
  18. Vegetables and salads
  19. Sausages and forcemeat
  20. Italian pastes, rice, eggs, omelettes, cheese, pancakes, and fritters
  21. Paste, meat pies, fish pies
  22. Fruit pies, puffs, puddings, etc.
  23. Custards, creams, jellies, etc.
  24. Confectionery
  25. Pickles and family sauces
  26. Cakes, buns, and gingerbread
  27. Bread
  28. Coffee, tea, and chocolate
  29. On English wines and liqueurs
  30. Cookery for the sick
  31. Various receipts and directions to servants
  32. Dinner courses and articles in season throughout the year


In contrast to the relative disorder of English eighteenth century cookery books such as Eliza Smith's The Compleat Housewife (1727) or Elizabeth Raffald's The Experienced English Housekeeper (1769), Mrs Rundell's text is strictly ordered and neatly subdivided. Where those books consist almost wholly of recipes, Mrs Rundell begins by explaining techniques of economy ("A minute account of the annual income and the times of payment should be kept in writing"[3]), how to carve, how to stew, how to season, to "Look clean, be careful and nice in work, so that those hwo have to eat might look on",[4] how to choose and use steam-kettles and the bain-marie, the meanings of foreign terms like pot-au-feu ("truly the foundation of all good cookery"[5]), all the joints of meat, the "basis of all well-made soups",[6] so it is page 65 before actual recipes begin.



The Monthly Review wrote in 1827 that A New System of Domestic Cookery

is almost too well known to require notice [i.e. a review]. Its chief object is, to teach economy in the management of the table; and this, we think, it accomplishes. We cannot speak in praise of its receipts for the higher kinds of cookery, but we dare say that they will be very much admired by precisely that class of gastronomes whose judgement is worth nothing."[7]

The review concluded that "though we have no respect for Mrs. Rundell's salmis, we cordially admire her practical good sense, and applaud her for the production of a useful book" which had been "the pattern of all that have since been published."[7]

By 1841 the Quarterly Literary Advertiser was able to give as the "Opinions of the Press", on the 64th edition, paragraphs of favourable reviews from the Worcestershire Guardian ("the standard work of reference in every private family in English society"), the Hull Advertiser ("most valuable advice upon all household matters"), the Derby Reporter ("a complete guide ... suited to the present advanced state of the art"), Keane's Bath Journal ("it leaves no room to any rival"), the Durham Advertiser ("No housekeeper ought to be without this book"), the Brighton Gazette ("if further proof be wanting, it may be found in the fact that Mrs. Rundell received from her publisher, Mr. Murray, no less a sum than Two Thousand Guineas for her labour!!"), the Aylesbury News ("the peculiarity of the present work is its scientific preface, and an attention to economy as well as taste in giving its directions"), the Bristol Mirror ("far surpasses all its predecessors, and continues to be the best treatise extant concerning the art"), the Midland Counties Herald ("ought to be in the hands of every lady who does not consider it vulgar to look after the affairs of her own household"), the Inverness Herald ("enriched with the latest improvements in gastronomic science") and The Scotsman,[8] which ventured

The sixty-fourth edition! So much for Mrs. Rundell's portion of the work. Of that portion, after this, we need say nothing. ... Of the additions made by her successor [Emma Roberts], ... she appears to have brought a large amount of experience in the art of cookery to the task, and her name alone is a sufficient guarantee for the utility and excellence of her new receipts.[8]

In 1844, the Foreign Quarterly Review commented on the 67th edition that

it is exclusively a middle class book, and intended for the rich bourgeoisie. The compiler, Mrs. Rundell, had spent the early part of her life in India, and the last edition of the work is enriched with many receipts of Indian cookery. It is on the whole a succinct and judicious compilation... For many years, if report speaks truly, it has produced 1000£. a year to the publisher".[9]


Severin Carrell, writing in The Guardian, calls Mrs Rundell "the original domestic goddess" and her book "a publishing sensation" of the early nineteenth century, as it sold "half a million copies and conquered America", as well as helping to found the John Murray publishing empire. For all that, Carrell notes, both "the most famous cookery book of its time" and Rundell herself vanished into obscurity.[1]

Elizabeth Grice, writing in The Telegraph, similarly calls Mrs Rundell "a Victorian domestic goddess", though without "Nigella's sexual frisson, or Delia's uncomplicated kitchen manners". Grice points out that "at 61, she was too old to act the pouting goddess" to sell her book, but "sell it did, in vast numbers, as a lifeline to cash-strapped middle-class English households that were desperate to keep up appearances but were having trouble with the staff."[10] She says that compared to Eliza Acton "who could write better" (as in her 1845 book, Modern Cookery for Private Families), and the "ubiquitous" Mrs Beeton, Mrs Rundell "has unfairly slipped from view".[10]

Alan Davidson, in the Oxford Companion to Food writes that "It did not include many novel features, although it did have one of the first English recipes for tomato sauce."[10][11]


There have been over 67 editions, success leading to constant revision and extension: the first edition had 344 pages, while the 1865 edition runs to 644 pages including the index. Some landmarks in the book's publication history are:


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Carrell, Severin (26 June 2007). "Archive reveals Britain's first domestic goddess". The Guardian. Retrieved 28 March 2015.
  2. "Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby". Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project (Michigan State University Libraries). Retrieved 10 June 2013.
  3. Rundell, 1865. Page 4
  4. Rundell, 1865. Page 35
  5. Rundell, 1865. Page 47
  6. Rundell, 1865. Page 64
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Monthly Review. Hurst, Robinson. 1827. p. 47.
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Quarterly Review (London). John Murray. 1841. pp. 62–63. which in turn cites the Worcestershire Guardian, the Hull Advertiser, the Derby Reporter, Keane's Bath Journal, the Durham Advertiser, the Brighton Gazette, the Aylesbury News, the Bristol Mirror, the Midland Counties Herald, the Inverness Herald and The Scotsman.
  9. The Foreign Quarterly Review, Volume 33. Treuttel and Würtz, Treuttel, Jun, and Richter. 1844. p. 538.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Grice, Elizabeth (27 June 2007). "How Mrs Rundell whipped up a storm". The Telegraph. Retrieved 28 March 2015.
  11. Davidson, Alan (2006). "English cookery books". In Tom Jaine, Jane Davidson and Helen Saberi. The Oxford Companion to Food (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Section: "English cookery books of the 19th and 20th centuries", p. 278–279. ISBN 0-19-280681-5.

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