A Life

A Life is a bittersweet comedy by Irish playwright Hugh Leonard. The primary character is Desmond Drumm, a highly intelligent but bitterly cynical civil servant who must try to make sense of his life after learning that he has a terminal illness.

A major subplot involves Drumm's feeling for Mary (once known as Mibs), the only woman he ever truly loved. Drumm alienated Mary years earlier, and she married a lazy, callow, layabout who represents everything Drumm dislikes in lower-class Irish culture.

Drumm was a secondary character in Leonard's earlier Tony Award-winning play Da.

Leonard's play A Life is also a winner of the Tony Award.

A Life will receive its first London revival in over 30 years at the Finborough Theatre in October 2012. Directed by Eleanor Rhode and produced by Snapdragon Productions, the cast will include Hugh Ross as Drumm and Kate Binchy as Mary.