A Banner Is Unfurled

A Banner is Unfurled is a Latter-day Saint (LDS) historical fiction series written by Marcie Gallacher and Kerri Robinson. It is set in the 1820s and follows the Ezekial and Julia Johnson family, a family of 16 children. Extensive research is done by the authors for each volume of the novel, including reading journals of family members, church records, and speaking with descendants of the family. The books are mostly based on true experiences. The series has four parts, Volume I A Banner is Unfurled, Volume II Be Still My Soul, Volume III Glory From on High, and Volume IV Abide with Me.

The authors

Marcie Gallacher resides in California and has written four novels apart from the Banner series. She is a mother of four children, a graduate of Brigham Young University, and a descendant of the Johnson family. She writes most of the prose for the books while her sister Kerri Robinson does much of the research. Kerri lives in Utah with her family of 10.

Works in the series

See also

External links