9495 Eminescu

9495 Eminescu is an asteroid named after Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu.

It was discovered in 1971 at the Palomar Observatory. It circles the Sun in 1,180.13 days (3.23 years), at an average distance from the Earth of 250 million kilometers. Its diameter does not exceed 6 km. It can approach the Earth at the minimum distance of 140,000,000 km.[1]

When discovered the day of March 26, 1971 by the American astronomers C. J. van Houten, I. van Houten-Groeneveld and T. Gehrels, they named it simply 9495. In 2000, which was declared in Romania the Eminescu Year, the International Astronomical Union added the name Eminescu.[2]


  1. În vizită la Observatorul Astronomic "Amiral Vasile Urseanu" din București
  2. Nume românesti pe cerul lumii

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