
Discovered by Cyril Jackson at Union Observatory, South Africa and Grigory N. Neujmin at Simeis Observatory, Russia
Discovery date 20 September 1936 and 21 September 1936
Orbital characteristics A
Epoch 2014-Dec-9
Aphelion 6.779 AU
Perihelion 1.3683 AU
Semi-major axis 4.0625 AU
Eccentricity 0.5531
Orbital period 8.19 yr
Inclination 13.52°
Last perihelion 2012
Next perihelion 2020

58P/Jackson–Neujmin is a periodic comet in our Solar System with a current orbital period of 8.19 years.[1][2]

The comet was discovered on a photographic plate on 20 September 1936 by Cyril Jackson of the Union Observatory, South Africa, who described it as faint and diffuse, with a brightness of magnitude 12. On the following day Grigory N. Neujmin of the Simeis Observatory, in Crimea, Russia discovered it independently. Fernand Rigaux of the Royal Observatory in Uccle, Belgium then also found it on an earlier photographic plate exposed on 9 September 1936.

The predicted 1945 apparition was not observed due to uncertainty about its position and appearance date and even Elizabeth Roemer was unable to find it in 1953. 1961 was again very difficult but Charles Kowal managed to relocate it in September, 1970. The 1995 appearance was more favourable and brightness reached a magnitude of 10.

It was last observed in September, 2009.

See also


  1. "58P/Jackson-Neujmin". Retrieved 22 February 2015.
  2. "Elements and Ephemeris for 58P/Jackson-Neujmin". International Astronomical Union. Retrieved 22 February 2015.

See also


    Periodic comets (by number)
    57P/du Toit–Neujmin–Delporte
    58P/Jackson–Neujmin Next