5000 (number)

4999 5000 5001
Cardinal five thousand
Ordinal 5000th
(five thousandth)
Factorization 23× 54
Roman numeral V
Unicode symbol(s) V, v,
Binary 10011100010002
Ternary 202120123
Quaternary 10320204
Quinary 1300005
Senary 350526
Octal 116108
Duodecimal 2A8812
Hexadecimal 138816
Vigesimal CA020
Base 36 3UW36

5000 (five thousand) is the natural number following 4999 and preceding 5001. Five thousand is the largest isogrammic number in the English language.

Look up five thousand in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Selected numbers in the range 5001–5999

5280 = -\sqrt[3]{j\left( {\scriptstyle\frac{1}{2}} \left( 1 + i\sqrt{67}\, \right)\right) }.