5-5 duoprism

Uniform 5-5 duoprism
TypeUniform duoprism
Schläfli symbol{5}×{5} = {5}2
Coxeter diagram
Cells10 pentagonal prisms
Faces25 squares,
10 pentagons
Vertex figure
Tetragonal disphenoid
Symmetry[[5,2,5]] = [10,2+,10], order 200
Dual5-5 duopyramid
Propertiesconvex, vertex-uniform, facet-transitive

In geometry of 4 dimensions, a 5-5 duoprism is a polygonal duoprism, a 4-polytope resulting from the Cartesian product of two pentagons.

It has 25 vertices, 50 edges, 35 faces (25 squares, and 10 pentagons), in 10 pentagonal prism cells. It has Coxeter diagram , and symmetry [[5,2,5]], order 200.


Orthogonal projection

Orthogonal projection


Seen in a skew 2D orthogonal projection, 20 of the vertices are in two decagonal rings, while 5 project into the center. The 5-5 duoprism here has an identical 2D projective appearance to the 3D rhombic triacontahedron. In this projection, the square faces project into wide and narrow rhombi seen in penrose tiling.

5-5 duoprism Penrose tiling

Related honeycombs and polytopes

The birectified order-5 120-cell, , constructed by all rectified 600-cells, a 5-5 duoprism vertex figure.

5-5 duopyramid

5-5 duopyramid
TypeUniform dual duopyramid
Schläfli symbol{5}+{5} = 2{5}
Coxeter diagram
Cells25 tetragonal disphenoids
Faces50 isosceles triangles
Edges35 (25+10)
Vertices10 (5+5)
Symmetry[[5,2,5]] = [10,2+,10], order 200
Dual5-5 duoprism
Propertiesconvex, vertex-uniform,

The dual of a 5-5 duoprism is called a 5-5 duopyramid. It has 25 tetragonal disphenoid cells, 50 triangular faces, 35 edges, and 10 vertices.

It can be seen in orthogonal projection as a regular 10-gon circle of vertices, divided into two pentagons, seen with colored vertices and edges:

orthogonal projections

Two pentagons in dual positions

Two pentagons overlapping

See also



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