4 Polonaises (Clara Schumann)

Quatre Polonaises pour le pianoforte by Clara Schumann was published in 1831, and is labeled as opus 1.[1][2] A work labeled as a "Polonaise" exhibits musical characteristics evoking the Polish dance form by the same (French-labeled) name. A 3/4 time signature setting is primary among these musical characteristics, and these four pieces by Clara Schumann are all in 3/4. No tempo indications are given on the score for the first three pieces. All of the pieces are in ternary form, with the middle section of each labeled as a "Trio."

The Quatre Polonaises were recorded by Jozef De Beenhouwer for the Classic Produktion Osnabrück label in 2001 as part of Clara Schumann: Complete Piano Works (cpo 9997582)

See also


  1. Hinson, Maurice (ed.) (1988). At the Piano with Robert and Clara Schumann, p. 4. Alfred Music Publishing
  2. Reich, Nancy B. (2013). Clara Schumann: The Artist and the Woman, pp. 220; 291. Cornell University Press

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