48 (number)

47 48 49
Cardinal forty-eight
Ordinal 48th
Factorization 24× 3
Divisors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48
Roman numeral XLVIII
Binary 1100002
Ternary 12103
Quaternary 3004
Quinary 1435
Senary 1206
Octal 608
Duodecimal 4012
Hexadecimal 3016
Vigesimal 2820
Base 36 1C36

48 (forty-eight) is the natural number following 47 and preceding 49. It is one third of a gross, or four dozens.

In mathematics

Forty-eight is the double factorial of 6, a highly composite number. Like all other multiples of 6, it is a semiperfect number. 48 is the second 17-gonal number.

48 is in abundance having an aliquot sum of 76. It is the lowest composite number to fall into the 41-aliquot tree having the 7 aliquot number sequence,(48, 76, 64, 63, 41, 1, 0). 48 is highly abundant with an aliquot sum 158% higher than itself.

48 is the smallest number with exactly ten divisors.

There are 11 solutions to the equation φ(x) = 48, namely 65, 104, 105, 112, 130, 140, 144, 156, 168, 180 and 210. This is more than any integer below 48, making 48 a highly totient number.

Since the greatest prime factor of 482 + 1 = 2305 is 461, which is clearly more than 48 twice, 48 is a Størmer number.

48 is in base 10 a Harshad number. It has 24, 2, 12, and 4 as factors.

48 is a Narcissistic number (but subtracted instead of added) as: |42 - 82| = 48

In science


In religion

In music

In sports

In other fields

Forty-eight may also refer to: