4-2-1 phenomenon

The 4-2-1 phenomenon (Chinese: “421”)[1] or 421 generation (421时代)[2] is an effect of China's One-Child Policy[3] in which an employed grandchild is responsible for the care of both parents and four grandparents.[4]


  1. (Chinese) 第一财经日报 如何应对“421”现象 2011-03-10
  2. (Chinese) sina.com.cn 421时代来临 养老地产潜藏巨大商机 2012年04月11日
  3. Hesketh, Therese (September 15, 2005). "The Effect of China's One-Child Family Policy after 25 Years". New England Journal of Medicine. Retrieved April 2012.
  4. "Demography: China’s Achilles heel". economist.com. April 21, 2012.

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