245 (number)

244 245 246
Cardinal two hundred forty-five
Ordinal 245th
(two hundred and forty-fifth)
Factorization 5 × 72
Roman numeral CCXLV
Binary 111101012
Ternary 1000023
Quaternary 33114
Quinary 14405
Senary 10456
Octal 3658
Duodecimal 18512
Hexadecimal F516
Vigesimal C520
Base 36 6T36

245 is the natural number following 244 and preceding 246.

245 in online public access (library) catalogs

Two hundred forty-five 245 = 5·72. In the MARC format for records in online public access (library) catalogs, in which each type of information about a book (or other library material) is identified with a 3-digit number, 245 identifies the title of the item; most library catalog software requires that each record have at least a 245 tag, even if no other information is entered about the item.

Other references to 245