244 (number)

244 (two hundred [and] forty four) is the natural number following 243 and preceding 245.

243 244 245
Cardinal two hundred forty-four
Ordinal 244th
(two hundred and forty-fourth)
Factorization 22× 61
Prime no
Roman numeral CCXLIV
Binary 111101002
Ternary 1000013
Quaternary 33104
Quinary 14345
Senary 10446
Octal 3648
Duodecimal 18412
Hexadecimal F416
Vigesimal C420
Base 36 6S36

As 244 = 1 + 243 = 15 + 35, it is the sum of two nonzero fifth powers.[1]

It is the second anti-perfect number, meaning that reversing the digits of the proper divisors of 244 and adding the results gives 244 back again.[2] It is also part of the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 61, 221, 244, ... in which each number is formed by reversing the digits of the double of the previous number.[3]
