238 (number)

238 (two hundred [and] thirty eight) is the natural number following 237 and preceding 239.

237 238 239
Cardinal two hundred thirty-eight
Ordinal 238th
(two hundred and thirty-eighth)
Factorization 2 × 7 × 17
Prime no
Roman numeral CCXXXVIII
Binary 111011102
Ternary 222113
Quaternary 32324
Quinary 14235
Senary 10346
Octal 3568
Duodecimal 17A12
Hexadecimal EE16
Vigesimal BI20
Base 36 6M36

238 is an untouchable number.[1] There are 238 2-vertex-connected graphs on five labeled vertices,[2] and 238 order-5 polydiamonds (polyiamonds that can partitioned into 5 diamonds).[3] Among the 720 permutations of six elements, exactly 238 of them have a unique longest increasing subsequence.[4]
