2084. Il potere dell'immortalità nelle città del dolore

Twenty Eighty-Four, published as 2084, is a dystopian novel, by Menotti Lerro, published in 2013.[1] The book starts with the discovery, in 2084 (the title is an allusion to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four), by Dr Andrew Robinson of two pills which let people be immortal and not feel physical pain anymore. After this, humans seem to have a happy destiny, but the consequences of these discoveries will be a lot and unexpected.

2084 on a book shop shelf in Milan
Twenty Eighty-Four
Author Menotti Lerro
Country Italy
Language Italian
Genre Dystopian, social science fiction
Published 2013 (Zona editrice, Arezzo)

Principal characters

Secondary characters

Alfred, Robertino, Marianna, Alessio, Don Vincenzo Petrillo, Adalgisa, Arturo, Venusia, Miss Valente, Mara Degli Ulivi, Louis, Peter, Yekaterina, Maria, Silvia, Andrea, Giuditta, Giovanni, Benoit, Flavio, Mateen, Mark Sallivan, Christopher Sallivan, Verner, Eduard Sallivan, Fernando Esposito, Martina, Maria Rosaria, Luca, Gabriele, Daniela.

The aliens role

In the novel, Lerro imagines aliens coming on the Earth from the planet Gliese 581. These creatures – tired of humans’ observations at their own land – decide to donate the illusion of immortality to men so to generate the end of their scientific researches to achieve other worlds.

"Pian piano gli esseri umani si accorgevano di non essere soli, la Terra veniva sempre con maggiore frequenza visitata dagli extraterrestri, da creature evolute provenienti da Gliese 581, uno dei pianeti che avevano incuriosito la nostra fantasia date le similitudini fisiche con la Terra."

— A short quotation in italian in which the author reveal the aliens origin: the planet "Gliese 581"[2]

External links


  1. http://www.zonacontemporanea.it/2084.htm
  2. Qtd. 2084. Il potere dell'immortalità nelle città del dolore, 2013.