2028 Summer Olympics

The 2028 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad, are a forthcoming international multi-sport event. Bidding for the host city will begin in 2019, with the winning bid to be announced in 2021 at the 134th IOC Session.

Confirmed Possible Bids

* = An asterisk next to a city means that the bid is temporarily unsupported and is therefore inactive.

° = A circle next to a city means that the city is also (mainly) bidding for the 2024 Summer Olympics; winning that bid automatically eliminates the bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics.


“Budapest can present a credible, competitive application for hosting the 2028 Olympics”, Zsolt Borkai, the president of the Hungarian Olympic Committee told Hungarian business daily Napi Gazdaság on July 7, 2014. A report announced that Budapest was planning to bid on the 2028 Summer Olympics as well as the 2024 Summer Olympics. He additionally stated that Budapest was going to host the 2017 European Youth Olympic Festival, which was going to be like a practice for the 2028 Summer Olympics. However, he also stated at Budapest was gonna have to get through the harsh challenges of transportation and sports facilities for the Olympics, which they lacked on.[1]
An year ago in October 25, 2013, Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, head of the Budapest Olympics Movement (BOM), made a statement that Budapest had a 'realistic chance' of hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics, but did order to send in a bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics first. Szalay-Berzeviczy also predicted that the facilities in Hungary such as transportation and venues needed to be worked on early in order to get prepared.[2][3]


On October 6, 2014, Seo Byung-Soo, the Mayor of Busan, has confirmed that the city will be planning to bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics, noting that the city has matured on its capacity for hosting global events, and that the city will officially announce its bid to the International Olympic Committee in 2020. The mayor also said that 2028 will mark the 40th anniversary of the 1988 Summer Olympics, which Seoul hosted the games, and is the last Summer Olympics to be held in South Korea.[4]
Busan originally planned on bidding for the 2020 Summer Olympics back in 2005. However, due to Pyeongchang, South Korea winning the 2018 Winter Olympics in 2011, officials pushed the bid to 2024 Summer Olympics, believing that the bid would be too close to each other as the same country. But in 2013, with Tokyo, Japan being awarded the 2020 Summer Olympics and the games being in Asia, Busan pushed their bid to 2028.[5][6] Busan also previously thought of bidding for the 2016 Summer Olympics, but due to Pyeongchang attempting to bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics, Busan dropped the idea.[7]
In November of 2014, Moon Dae-Sung, a retired Olympics Taekwondo Gold medal champion during the 2004 Summer Olympics and now a South Korean politician representing the Saenuri Party went to Incheon during the 2014 Asian Games to take a look and see how it was being done from Busan. However, he managed not to return, stayed there and began representing for the city as it was his birthplace. Citizens and officials in Busan are wondering whether if Moon went to Incheon for supporting the Olympics there.[8] Moon also interviewed that he would 'do all his best to support the Olympics in his home city (Incheon), and would try to use the main stadium for the 2014 Asian Games for the Olympics Games in 2028'.[9]
On December 1, 2014, Incheon has been confirmed to cooperate its bid with Busan to bid together for the 2028 Summer Olympics.[10] It has been said that the delegates for the organizers of 2002 Asian Games (Busan) and the 2014 Asian Games (Incheon) have met discuss about teaming up their bid.
Officals in Busan said that the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo would help boost tourism in Busan if they were to host the 2028 Summer Olympics, and also state that they have several existing venues that could be used.[11] Incheon has stated that as they improve their status as a city, they could be able to handle a co-hosted Olympic Games, since they could re-use their sport facilities.
Busan has previously hosted the 1997 East Asian Games, 2002 Asian Games, and acted as one of the venues for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. During the 1988 Summer Olympics where it was held in Seoul, Busan also hosted the sailing (then yachting) events.[12] Incheon has previously hosted the 2014 Asian Games.

Possible Bids under Consideration

* = An asterisk next to a city means that the bid is temporarily unsupported and is therefore inactive.

° = A circle next to a city means that the city is also (mainly) bidding for the 2024 Summer Olympics; winning that bid automatically eliminates the bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics.


On November 8, 2014, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, had stated that the city's bid for 2024 Summer Olympics may be postponed due to not being able to afford the bid, and added that the city may go on with the 2028 bid. However, she also stated that Paris would go on with the referendum of whether or not to bid for the 2024 Games in January 2015. The French Sports Minister Valérie Fourneyron said that she clearly went against the idea of Paris to bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics for the sake of it. [13]
On October 29, 2012, the Dutch cabinet, which was newly formed in 2012, announced that the government would no longer be supporting for the 2028 Summer Olympics, and that they wanted "Ambitions to get Dutch sports on an Olympic level, but without getting the Olympic Games to the Netherlands". The Dutch government consisting of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and the Labour Party (PvdA) agreed in a discussion that the games were not going to get support.[14] On April 13, 2014, the possible postponement of The Netherlands to host the 2028 Summer Olympics was reconfirmed, as Henk Stokhof, head Department of Sports at City of Amsterdam, said during the SportAccord International Convention in Belek that the possible Amsterdam bid for 2028 Olympics was 'cut short due to fears of the cost of the bid'. However, he also said that the bid could be revived later, which the bid could be decided whether or not it would be done in the future as far as 2019 or 2020.[15]
Rotterdam was originally the alternative option of the Amsterdam bid in the 2028 Summer Olympics. But with the Amsterdam bid under postponement, Rotterdam was also postponed.
If Amsterdam does plan and get to host the 2028 Summer Olympics, then it would mark the 100th anniversary of the 1928 Summer Olympics, which was hosted in the same city.
Hamburg is planning to bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, and if they fail, plans to re-bid again at 2028. In March 16, 2015, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) chose Hamburg to go on to the official bid for the International Olympic Committee. But before that occurs, Hamburg will also hold a referendum to see if the citizens support or are against the bid.[16]
On October 18, 2013, Mikhail Radko, the leader of the group considering a possible 2024 Summer Olympics or 2028 Summer Olympics bid for Saint Petersburg told to Around the Rings (ATR) publication that the city is most likely going to bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, but mentioned that the city may change to the 2028 bid, due to the possibility of getting a better chance.[17] Radko also wrote a letter to the public specifically mentioning about the 2028 Winter Olympics bid for Saint Petersburg, saying that the place was an 'open city' for the Olympics.[18]


Representative Wang Xiaoshu, a municipal political adviser in Shanghai, said that a Shanghai Olympics in 2028 would 'raise its profiles', improve Shanghai’s global influence, and that the city is “fully capable and must keep striving to become a platform for major international dialogues", and pointed out the Expo 2010 in Shanghai as an example. Wang also said that the Olympics in China 'would improve the society, culture, and the ecology in the city'.[19] Wang said he'd like to see the Olympics take place as a celebration for the 80th anniversary for founding the People's Republic of China.[20][21]
However, Chen Deying, a Shanghai member in the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference said the otherwise, claiming that there are more necessary things to spend the nation's efforts and financial resources on such as the people's quality of life and economic investment rather than hosting a huge event such as the Summer Olympics.[22]


A large number of Kenyan officials including Ochilo Ayacko (former Minister of Sports) to the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga as well as the former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has all stated that they have intentions to bring in the 2028 Summer Olympics bid into Kenya. To further their support, they have also appointed Moi International Sports Centre (MISC) in Kasarani, to take in charge of the sport facilities in Kenya.[23] The officials however, also mentioned of the considerable difficulties they were going to have to face with facilities and the money.
International Business also stated that either both the 2024 Summer Olympics and the 2028 Summer Olympics Nairobi plans to cast bid on will be 'a long shot', according to Ed Hula, the chief editor of Around the Rings.[24] The rivalry of the possible bid would be between Casablanca of Morocco, which both will compete to be the first African Olympic host.
Moncef Belkhayat, a Moroccan Sports and Youth Minister, announced on March 11, 2011 that the Moroccan government would launch bids for either the 2024 Summer Olympics, or the 2028 Summer Olympics. He said in the 5th African Sports Convention (CISA) in Morocco that the city of Casablanca was the strongest city to represent to the world of Northern Africa, and that the city would confirm the Olympics bid for the Kingdom of Morocco. He also said that for the Olympics project, the Moroccan Government announced plans to construct an 80,000 seated stadium.[25] With the officials also saying that Casablanca needed a rebrand, they also said that the Summer Olympics in Morocco would mark the very first Summer Olympics to be hosted in the continent of Africa. Jean AbiNader, chief operating officer of the Moroccan government’s lobby shop in Washington had commented to a news agency that the bid was part of the 'Casablanca Effect' plan, which was to improve the brand image of Casablanca.[26]
The considerable rival of the 2028 Summer Olympics for Casablanca would be Nairobi, Kenya, which is also bidding to be the first African Summer Olympics host.
Durban was originally interested in bidding for the 2024 Olympics but since Durban will be hosting the 2022 Commonwealth Games, they have decided not to bid for the 2024 Olympics and possibly bid for the 2028 Olympics. The 2022 Commonwealth Games is seen as a stepping stone for ultimately hosting the Olympics. Durban is known as Africa's Sports and Events Capital. [27]
It has been said on the Boston Globe in January 11, 2015, that Johannesburg was going on with their bid for the 2028 Summer Games. [28]

North America

It has been stated according to reports that Guadalajara will plan on bidding for the 2028 Summer Olympics if they do not succeed in attempting the 2024 Summer Olympics.[29][30] The last Olympics to be held in Mexico were the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City.
Toronto had interest in bidding for the 2024 Summer Olympics, however on 20 January 2014, it was revealed that Toronto would not be pursuing a 2024 Summer Olympics bid due to bidding costs and a "next to no" chance of being awarded the games competing against a strong European and United States bid. Instead, mayor Rob Ford and deputy mayor Norm Kelly suggested that 2028 could be a feasible opportunity for Toronto depending on who is awarded the 2024 Summer games.[31]


Brisbane is considering a bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics. The city has the backing of the AOC and has support from IOC vice president John Coates. The city has previously hosted 1982 Commonwealth Games, the 2001 Goodwill Games and the annually Brisbane International and State of Origin. Brisbane made a bid to host the 1992 Olympics, however they were awarded to Barcelona.[32]
The former Premier of Victoria, Denis Napthine, has backed a potential bid from Melbourne for the 2028 Summer Olympics.[33] Melbourne has previously hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics as well as the 2006 Commonwealth Games while the country of Australia previously hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Melbourne had also unsuccessfully bid for the 1996 Summer Olympics, which were awarded to Atlanta in 1990.

South America

Buenos Aires bid to host the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics. It was stated that the successful bid could lead to a bid for the 2028 or 2032 Summer Olympic Games. The city also hosted the 125th IOC Session in 2013. Rio de Janeiro will stage the first Summer Olympic Game in South America in 2016. Buenos Aires could potentially be the second city on the continent to stage the event. Buenos Aires bid to host the 1936, 1956, 1968, and 2004 Summer Olympics, but lost to Berlin, Melbourne, Mexico City and Athens respectively.[34] On 4 July 2013 Buenos Aires was elected as the host city of the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics.[35]

No Longer Possible Bids

An official referendum took place in Vienna, from 7–9 March 2013. On 12 March 2013, Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl announced that nearly 72% voted against a bid and, as a result, Vienna will not bid for 2028.[36][37]



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  2. "Budapest Should Bid For 2028 Summer Games". Daily News Hungary. Daily News. Retrieved October 27, 2013.
  3. "Advocate says 2028 Budapest Olympics possible". BBJ (Budapest Business Journal). David Landry. Retrieved October 25, 2013.
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  5. "Busan Postpones 2024 Summer Olympic Bid". GamesBids.com. GB Staffs. Retrieved September 10, 2013.
  6. "Busan postpones 2024 Olympic and Paralympic bid following Tokyo 2020 win". Inside the Games. Gary Anderson. Retrieved September 10, 2013.
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  12. "Retracing Roots - Seoul 1988 Olympic Sailing Competition". AN OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SAILING FEDERATION. ISAF. Retrieved June 6, 2012.
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  14. "New Dutch government withdraws support for 2028 Olympic Games bid". Xinhua Net. Yan. Retrieved October 30, 2012.
  15. "Amsterdam's 2028 Olympic ambitions "put to sleep" but could be revived later". Inside the Games. Paul Osborne. Retrieved April 13, 2014.
  16. "Germany confirms bid to host 2024 Olympic Games - and 2028 if they fail first time". Inside the Games. Paul Osborne. Retrieved October 29, 2014.
  17. "St. Petersburg Ready for World Combat Games, Considers 2024 Olympic Bid". Around the Rings. Mark Bisson. Retrieved October 18, 2013.
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  24. "Today In Long Shots: Nairobi Casts Bid for 2024 Olympics". International Business Times. Maya Schwader. Retrieved August 9, 2012.
  25. "Morocco to bid for 2024 or 2028 Olympic Games". Official Website of the Chinese Olympics Committee. AIPS. Retrieved March 22, 2011.
  26. "Casablanca Tries to Build Its Brand". Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine. Peter Savodnik. Retrieved November 10, 2011.
  27. http://gamesbids.com/eng/other-games-bids/unopposed-durban-2022-commonwealth-games-bid-stepping-stone-for-olympic-bid/
  28. "Boston’s Games will run rings around others". Boston Globe. Kevin Paul DuPont. Retrieved January 11, 2015.
  29. Vallestar (2011-10-10). "CALDERÓN APOYA JO EN MÉXICO EN 2024 O 2028". http://vallestar.mx. Retrieved 2012-09-25.
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  33. "Melbourne urged to bid for 2028 Olympic Games". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
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Preceded by
Summer Olympic Games
Host City

XXXIV Olympiad (2028)
Succeeded by