2013 JX28

2013 JX28
Discovered by Pan-STARRS 1
Discovery date May 11th, 2013 (May 25th, 2006)
2006 KZ39
Atira (Aten asteroid subclass)
Near-Earth object[2]
Orbital characteristics
Epoch 2014-dec-9 (JD 2457000.5)


±0.000 000 041 742

0.2619078 (q)

±0.000 000 112 300

0.6008387 (a)

±0.000 000 026 687


±0.000 000 180 300
0.47 years (171.6 days)


±0.000 143 670


±0.000 110 330


±0.000 145 050
Physical characteristics
Dimensions ~300 m[3]

    2013 JX28 (also known as 2006 KZ39) is an Atira asteroid, a type of Aten asteroid, that orbits entirely within Earth's orbit. It orbits very close to the Sun, having the second smallest semi-major axis of any minor planet in the Solar System. At its closest, it is only 0.26 AU (39,000,000 km; 24,000,000 mi) 0.26 from the Sun, but more than 100 minor planets have a smaller perihelion distance.

    Despite being officially classified as a near-Earth object, 2013 JX28 has a MOID (minimum orbit intersection distance) with Earth of ~0.067 AU,[2] making it highly unlikely to ever hit Earth. For comparison, the Moon orbits Earth at about 1/26th this distance.

    Physical characteristics

    2013 JX28 has an absolute magnitude (H) of 20.1,[2] which means it is rather small, with the size being approximately 300 meters based on an assumed albedo of 0.15.[3] Its albedo is not known, so a size estimate is not certain. Assuming the albedo is between 0.05 and 0.25, it is somewhere between 260–580 meters in diameter.[4]

    163693 Atira, an asteroid with an orbit similar to 2013 JX28, for comparison, has an absolute magnitude of 16.28 and is notably larger.

    Close approaches

    As a near-Earth object,[2] 2013 JX28 often comes within 0.1 AU (15,000,000 km; 9,300,000 mi)] of Earth. On April 29th, 2014, it traveled to 0.0843 AU from Earth, about 33 times further than the Moon. Below is a list of close approaches until 2100 where 2013 JX28 travels closer than 0.1 AU to Earth.

    date distance (AU)[2]
    2000-04-20 0.0913
    2007-04-25 0.0682
    2014-04-29 0.0843
    2034-04-21 0.0888
    2041-04-25 0.0680
    2048-04-29 0.0849
    2068-04-21 0.0863
    2075-04-26 0.0676
    2082-04-30 0.0890


    1. "List Of Aten Minor Planets (by designation)". IAU minor planet center. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 "2013 JX28". JPL small-body database. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
    3. 3.0 3.1 "Conversion of Absolute Magnitude to Diameter". SFA texas university. Physics and astronomy department. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
    4. "Absolute Magnitude (H)". NASA/JPL. Retrieved 2014-02-15.